Eaglezine 9/29/2023: We're counting down the days, and we can hardly contain our excitement!

eaglezine Sep 29, 2023

Check Out Official 64th Eagle Summit Full Program!

Everything you need to know for an exceptional summit experience including schedule, excursion details, group dinner reservations, speakers, and sponsors.


We're counting down the days, and we can hardly contain our excitement!

The 64th Eagle Summit is just ONE WEEK away, and we've got something extraordinary in store for you.

Time With Tom Hill Himself:

Of course, the man who's touched all of our lives, Dr. Tom Hill, will be there to share his wisdom and engage with each and every one of you. You don't want to miss this golden opportunity to connect with a living legend whose life mission has been to elevate others.

Let's Connect & Grow:

Our Summit isn't just an event—it's a family reunion, a chance to catch up, connect, and forge new friendships. Your network is your net worth, and the Summit provides the perfect setting to expand it.

Life-Changing Speakers:

Get ready to be inspired, educated, and transformed. Our incredible lineup of speakers are experts in their fields, and they'll arm you with the tools you need to ignite your personal and professional life.

Memorable Excursions:

We’ve crafted unique experiences to keep you entertained and connected. Try your hand at Top Golf or revel in the spiritual grandeur of the Cathedral Basilica with a private tour. These are just a few of the unforgettable activities we've lined up.

Culinary Delight:

Tornatores has us covered with scrumptious meals that will satisfy both your palate and soul. Trust us; you'll be talking about this feast long after the Summit is over.

Group Dinner Reservations:

Let's break bread and barriers. Our group dinner reservations Friday eveining offer a cozy setting for in-depth conversations and new connections.

So what are you waiting for? The full program is available for download right above this article. Dive in to see the packed schedule, then act fast to secure your spot at the life-altering gathering you won’t want to miss.

Don't delay—time's ticking and seats are filling up fast. We're already counting down the days, the hours, the minutes until we can welcome you to Eagle Summit 2023!


Eagle of the Week

Meet Derrick Standley: Our Eagle of the Week and the Visionary Behind 'The Heart of Glass'

Prepare to be dazzled by Derrick Standley, our distinguished Eagle of the Week and a game-changing pioneer in the world of recycling and sustainability. Derrick isn't your run-of-the-mill conservationist; he's a visionary on a mission to transform how we look at and utilize one of the planet's most abundant resources—glass.

A Revolutionary Thinker

For decades, Derrick Standley has been at the forefront of the waste management sector, meticulously studying recycling paradigms and seeking breakthroughs. At the upcoming Eagle Summit, he'll present "Heart of Glass," an eye-opening session that peels back the curtain on a groundbreaking approach to glass recycling.

Going Beyond the Bottle

With Derrick's innovative techniques, led by his venture, The Upcycling Company, glass isn't merely recycled—it's upcycled. Forget about traditional norms; Derrick is setting a new gold standard. He's showing us that glass isn't a one-off commodity but an infinitely recyclable resource that can be repurposed in innovative ways—from abrasives to foamed materials and more.

More Than Just Glass—It's Our Future

Derrick’s session will be a wake-up call for anyone committed to building a sustainable future. As we grapple with an increasingly fragile environment, Derrick challenges us to think differently about the role of glass in our circular economy.

Not Just a Story, but a Call to Action

If you've ever thought, "What can one person do to create real change?" Derrick Standley is your answer. His story is an inspiring roadmap for any professional who wants to make a tangible impact. And more importantly, it's a clarion call for us to take collective action. As U.S. industries are increasingly moving towards sustainable practices, Derrick's work reveals how a shift in our perspective on glass can lead to revolutionary changes in multiple sectors.

Your Personal Invitation

This session isn't just another talk; it's a transformative journey towards a greener, more sustainable world. So, if you're attending the Eagle Summit, make sure Derrick Standley's "Heart of Glass" is at the top of your must-see list. It promises to be a session that not only informs but also inspires you to be a part of something truly transformative.

Are you ready to redefine what you know about glass and recycling? Don't miss the opportunity to hear Derrick Standley at the Eagle Summit. Let's transform our world, one shard of glass at a time.

Learn more: www.recycleglasshere.com

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO 

100 is the New 30

by Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

A Special Gift Awaits You at the Eagle Summit!

Exciting news! Every attendee at the upcoming Eagle Summit will receive a complimentary copy of our Book of the Week: "100 is the New 30" by longevity expert Dr. Jeffrey Gladden. Generously provided by a long-time Hill's Angel, Loren Cook, this exceptional book promises to be a game-changer in how you approach aging and vitality.

Reimagining Longevity and Vitality

What if we told you that your age is just a number? That you could potentially live to 100 and beyond, not as a shadow of your former self but as an embodiment of youthfulness, vitality, and resilience? Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, a triple-board certified physician, brings this tantalizing possibility to life in his groundbreaking book, "100 is the New 30."

Challenge the Status Quo

For too long, our culture has accepted aging as an inevitable decline in physical and cognitive capabilities. But Dr. Gladden invites us to challenge this norm, advocating for a life where aging does not mean giving up our freedom, autonomy, or relevance.

Resilience, Joy, and Purpose

The book steers us away from the elusive chase of happiness to the pursuit of resilience, joy, and purpose. These are the key ingredients, Gladden argues, to Living Young for a Lifetime™. He further introduces us to the idea that we are a 'Mosaic of Biological Ages™,' indicating that we are only as young—or as old—as our oldest age.

Revolutionary Insights

Dr. Gladden covers breakthroughs in regenerative medicine, helping us play what he calls 'The Symphony of Longevity™.' He emphasizes that aging is not a linear process but an exponential one, requiring exponential strategies to counter it. If you're looking to become an Age Hacker™, then this book holds the blueprint.

An Invitation to a New Life

As you dive into the insights and strategies outlined in "100 is the New 30," you'll realize that aging isn't what it used to be. You can carve out a life where each passing year adds to your resilience, wisdom, and vitality rather than taking it away.

Don't miss your chance to get a FREE copy of this life-changing book at the Eagle Summit, courtesy of Loren Cook. It's not just a book; it's a ticket to a future you might have thought was impossible.

Ready to redefine aging? See you at the Eagle Summit!


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday NOVEMBER 15, 9:30-11:00 at IncentiLock's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield. Thank you to Jane Vancil who graciously donates the room every month.

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!

A Note from the Editor

LAST CALL! Will you join us?

Dear Eagle Summit Attendees and Aspiring Attendees,

As we count down the days to this extraordinary gathering, I find myself filled with anticipation for the collective wisdom that will be shared, the friendships that will be strengthened, and the professional insights that will be gained. More importantly, for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend quality time with our guiding light, Dr. Tom Hill.

The dedicated committee—Sandy Waggett, Jane Vancil, Michael Graham, Jennifer Graham, and Mickey Olson—has poured countless hours into organizing a summit that honors Dr. Hill's lifelong mission of nurturing growth and meaningful relationships. We're also incredibly grateful to our generous venue host, Gary Baker of Undivided Wealth Management, and our caterer, Tornatores, for crafting delicious meals that will fuel our days.

This year’s summit promises life-changing experiences—whether it's the awe you'll feel on the private tour of Cathedral Basilica arranged by Nancy Erickson, or the laughter and competition we'll share at Top Golf. The speakers lined up are not just experts in their fields; they are people who will touch your hearts and stimulate your minds.

If you haven't yet registered, consider this your final call to action. Don't miss the chance to be part of this incredible community. The full program is available just above this note. Download it, and you’ll see this is an event you don’t want to miss.

In the end, the Eagle Summit is more than just a conference; it's a celebration of all the values and relationships that make life truly meaningful. Come for the learning, stay for the connections, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and community.

We look forward to welcoming each and every one of you to what promises to be an unforgettable Eagle Summit. Let's make this year's summit the best one yet!

 Sandy Waggett

P.S. Hurry, seats are filling fast. This is an event you'll talk about for years to come—don't miss your chance to be a part of it. Click the link and register now!

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center!

REGISTRATION: https://www.tomhilleaglenetwork.com/?cid=8b0a9526-9b07-47aa-94dd-240f6b74bb40

PS: LAST CALL FOR PHOTOS! Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

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