Eaglezine 9/15/2023: Are You Ready for the Adventure?

eaglezine Sep 15, 2023

The Time Is Now: Unveiling the Full Schedule for Eagle Summit 2023


Are You Ready for the Adventure?

We're on the edge of our seats as the highly-anticipated 64th Eagle Summit draws near. The stage is set for October 6th and 7th, and we're absolutely thrilled to announce that this issue includes the full schedule for the very first time! This isn't just an event; it's a carefully curated experience designed to elevate your journey in ways you've never imagined. And no one is more excited to share this extraordinary adventure with you than Dr. Tom Hill himself.

This Year, It's Not Just About What You'll Learn; It's About Who You'll Become!

The summit is bursting at the seams with groundbreaking sessions, and our full schedule reflects that. Get ready for a rich tapestry of opportunities that goes beyond professional development—this is about legacy building. As always, Dr. Hill is keen to not just share wisdom, but to express his deep gratitude to each of you, the incredible individuals who make up this outstanding community.

Eagle Summit 2023: Your Defining Moment

Have you ever been to an event that felt like it was tailored just for you? This summit is that event. We've assembled a dream team of experts, innovators, and change-makers who are eager to guide you through transformative life and business strategies. As you read through the packed schedule, you'll realize this summit is more than an occasion; it's a pivot point for your future.

Now or Never: The Clock is Ticking

You still have a chance to be part of this monumental gathering. Don't let time slip through your fingers; make your presence felt and your voice heard in this community that's shaped so many lives, including Dr. Tom Hill's. Your registration isn't just a ticket; it's your passport to a world of endless possibilities.

Let's embrace this moment, embolden our dreams, and embody the very ideals that make us Eagles. There's no better time than now, and there's no better place than the Eagle Summit.

Act now and make sure you're at the center of it all. We can't wait to share these unforgettable moments with you!

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO

Oct 5 (Thur): 
Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers


Friday, Oct 6

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM: Hot Breakfast and Registration

8:00 AM - 8:15 AM: Opening Remarks

8:20 AM - 9:20 AM: Jenn Whitmer - 60 mins

9:25 AM - 9:55 AM: Dr. Eddie Weller - 30 mins

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM: Networking Break

10:20 AM - 11:35 AM: Alan Spector - 75 mins

11:40 AM - 12:25 PM: Steve Denny & Terry Lammers - 45 mins

12:30 PM - 1:15 PM: Lunch Break - On-site

1:20 PM - 2:05 PM: Bruce Sheridan - 45 mins

2:10 PM - 2:55 PM: Brett Blair - 45 mins

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM: Sandy Waggett - 45 mins

3:50 PM - 4:35 PM: Sheree Keely - 45 mins

4:40 PM - 5:40 PM: Jeff Koziatek - 50 mins

5:40 PM: Event Close for the Day + Group Dinner Reservations

Saturday, Oct 7

7:00 AM - 7:30 AM: Morning Stretch/Wellness Group + Hot Breakfast

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Networking and additional time for breakfast

8:00 AM - 8:15 AM: Opening Remarks

8:20 AM - 9:00 AM: Derrick Standley - 40 mins

9:05 AM - 9:35 AM: Dr. Maureen Hughes - 30 mins

9:40 AM - 10:10 AM: Jeff Mitchell - 30 mins

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM: Natalie Burnell - 60 mins

11:20 AM - 11:50 AM: Jeff Hartman - 20 mins

Noon - 1:00 PM: Chris Hare (Seattle) - 60 mins

1:00-1:15: Wrap up remarks 

1:15 PM - 5:00 PM: Lunch o Your Own and Local Excursions 

5:30 PM - 6:15 PM: Cocktail Reception

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Group Dinner on Site

7:45 PM - 9:15 PM: Matt Shoup - 90 mins

9:30 PM: Event Close


Chesterfield, MO

Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one!


Jeff Koziatek


I'm Excited to be an Eagle Summit keynote speaker!

Entertainers often wear masks and adopt different personas to tell a story, but you don’t have to. I want to inspire people to live a core authentic life, without a mask, so they can better communicate with others, lead people, and confidently face life’s challenges. Most importantly, when we drop the mask, we catch the special moments of our lives and our experiences becomes richer.

The audiences I’ve had the opportunity to speak to are diverse, ranging from: accountants, the US military, financial professionals, educators, religious organizations, business owners, health care professionals, software developers, security firms, custodial services, professional athletic organizations, non-profits, to casinos, rental car companies, and associations.


  • As an actor, I’ve appeared on Cold Case a few feature films, various tv commercials, and several national touring shows.
  • My fine art photography is on display in various businesses across the St. Louis region and enjoy shooting extreme close ups of nature – #tallhippo
  • I have juggled while riding: on the back of a water buffalo, a Ferris wheel, a zip line and a few other carnival rides.
  • I Joggled (ran while juggling) a 1/2 marathon in just over 2 hours.
  • I like Jello cheese cake, toasted ravioli, frozen custard, and gooey butter cake.
  • I was run over by a 1978 Monte Carlo when I was 5.
  • I enjoy reading with my ears.
  • I geek out over Lego, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Sci-Fi, Architecture, and art.

Here's a short preview of our time together!
Can't wait to see you.

Book of the Week: "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck

As we count down to the 64th Eagle Summit, it's time to prepare not just logistically, but mentally. This week, we feature Carol S. Dweck's seminal work, "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," a book that serves as a game-changer for anyone looking to level up personally and professionally. Dweck demystifies the power of mindset, categorizing our beliefs into two types: fixed and growth. While a fixed mindset confines you to the limits of your natural abilities, a growth mindset empowers you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, embracing challenges as pathways to evolution.

Why is this relevant for Eagle Summit attendees? Because the summit itself is an incubator for growth and networking. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a business leader, or a life-long learner, embracing a growth mindset can dramatically influence your experience and your outcomes, both at the summit and beyond.

So, before we convene to explore the frontier of possibilities at the Eagle Summit, take some time to delve into "Mindset." It might just be the prelude to your next transformative experience.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

Nancy Erickson, The Book Professor
Dr. Hill challenges everyone to write a book, and Nancy is the master of the process!

All are welcome! 

Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!

A Note from the Editor

The Eagle Summit Line-Up is MINDBLOWING! 🌟

Dear Friends,

As the clock winds down to our eagerly awaited 64th Eagle Summit, the anticipation in the air is palpable. Our team has been working tirelessly to ensure that this year's event will be nothing short of transformative. I can personally attest to the amazing lineup of speakers and enriching sessions we have planned for you.

But don't just take my word for it. We've put together a special video that captures the essence of what's to come, summarizing all the speakers and sessions. If you haven't had a chance to look at the full schedule included in this issue, this video is your perfect cheat sheet. It gives you a glimpse of the treasure trove of knowledge, experience, and opportunities that await you.

This is more than just an event; it's a milestone on your journey of personal and professional growth. So, do yourself a favor: click on the video, whet your appetite for what’s in store, and prepare to be part of something extraordinary.

See you all very soon at the summit where dreams take flight and futures are forged. 

Catch you at the Summit!
Sandy Waggett

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center!

REGISTRATION: https://www.tomhilleaglenetwork.com/?cid=a5c88297-f2ae-41fc-a1b7-5c31bf95a2fb

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

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