Eaglezine 9/1/2023: Blockchain & Breakthroughs

eaglezine Sep 01, 2023

Tom Can't Wait to See You at the Summit!

Plan to Experience the Extraordinary... Ingiting Health, Wealth, & Impact... TOGETHER!


Your Presence is Requested at the Eagle Summit by Dr. Tom Hill

We can't wait to see you 

Tom is already polishing his "boots", getting ready for this year's Eagle Summit on October 6th and 7th. He can't wait to connect with you, exchange wisdom, and offer his heartfelt thanks for being a part of this incredible journey.

Remember, the clock is ticking on our Early Bird special, which ends at midnight TODAY! When you register early, you don't just save money; you get a whole bunch of awesome perks—like free books, AI business prompts, and even chair massages! 📚🤖💆‍♀️

So why wait? Come be a part of something transformative. Your future self will thank you.

See you there,
Sandy Waggett

P.S. Life been throwing curveballs? Tom's got your back. He's generously personally paying the entry for four folks who are eager to attend but might be challenged at the moment. Interested? Hit Tom up directly—he'd love to make you one of his personal guests.

P.P.S. Any proceeds above the hard costs associated with putting on the Summit will be donated to CareLink Foundation (Jeff Hartman's Micro Loan foundation) and Citizen's Against Domestic Violence locally (Summit Speaker Sheree Keely). 

“If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.”
~Melinda Gates, Co-Chair, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, from her book “The Moment of Lift”, published by Flat Iron Books.~

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO


Oct 5 (Thur)

Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers
Oct 6 (Fri)
Incredible Speaker Line-up, Gifts, Wellness, Networking, Excursions
Oct 7 (Sat)
More Learning, Gifts, Connection, Excursions, Dinner Celebration,
and INCREDIBLE Keynote with Matt Shoup, Author, International Speaker, Jiu-Jitsu Instructor!

Chesterfield, MO
Last day to book at discount is Sept 5!


Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one


Dominic Lazano
Owner, GrowthPath
COO Expertise at a fraction of the cost

Dominic Lazano, The Serial Start-Up Alchemist

Dominic Lozano isn't your run-of-the-mill entrepreneur; he's a self-proclaimed "serial start-up junkie." With a knack for diving into the eye of the business storm and coming out unscathed—and with a reinvigorated company in tow—Dominic has a track record of turning around startups like some people flip houses.

More Than Just a COO:
While many might call themselves strategic executives, Dominic has made a career out of being a genuine business alchemist. Not only does he bring exceptional COO-level skills to the table, but he also has the uncanny ability to transform toxic cultures into nurturing, collaborative spaces. With Dominic, "business as usual" becomes "business as exceptional." He's successfully identified and implemented cost savings of more than 60% for various companies, demonstrating that lean operations don't have to be mean operations.

Awards and Accolades:
Dominic's talents haven't gone unnoticed. He was a "40 under 40" winner in 2018, an accolade that celebrates the accomplishments of business leaders under the age of 40. The recognition doesn't surprise those who've watched him transition struggling companies into agile, competitive players in the market.

Saying 'Yes' and 'No' in the Right Places:
One of Dominic's key philosophies centers around helping businesses learn what to say 'Yes' to and how to say 'No' to everything else. This disciplined focus has assisted countless businesses in growing intentionally. He offers this expertise through executive coaching sessions, team advisements, and even skills assessments. This careful filtering process has made him an indispensable guide for small to mid-market businesses, particularly those navigating growth, prepping for sale, or going through mergers and acquisitions.

A Service Spectrum:
Beyond the 1:1 coaching sessions that Dominic offers, his services extend into executive team advisement and operational execution. In addition to counsel, where needed and appropriate, he joins your leadership team to actively implement and manage strategic initiatives, build the team structure needed for long term growth, and develop the next operation leader. His sessions are about the ideas, leader development, execution cadences, and detailed metrics that translate vision into reality.

The Next Chapter:
After years of being the go-to person to reinvigorate other people's companies, Dominic has finally taken the plunge to start his own. Knowing him, it's only a matter of time before it becomes yet another feather in his cap of business transformations.

For more information, check out his GrowthPath website and LinkedIn Profile. 

Dominic Lozano is not just an Eagle of the Week; he's a soaring example of what can be accomplished when strategic thinking meets relentless passion.

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain 101:: From Bitcoin to NFTs: Learn Everything About the Metaverse and Get Ready to Be Part of the Crypto Revolution 

by Goffredo Righi Schwammer

The time of the biggest monetary revolution in history is here, and it is essential to make the most out of this moment by understanding why it's happening and what we can do to take advantage of it. Here is what you'll find inside this guide:

  • The history of cryptocurrencies: where they came from and why they have had this huge success
  • Let's learn what the blockchain is and how it works to discover all its secrets
  • NFTs and Metaverse: understanding all about them to becoming part of the digital revolution
  • How will the crypto world evolve in the future? Is it all speculation, or is there really room for profit?
  • And much more!
  • Even if you don't know anything about what you just read or it seems too difficult, don't worry: this guide is designed to be extremely easy for anyone to understand!


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

Nancy Erickson, The Book Professor
Dr. Hill challenges everyone to write a book, and Nancy is the master of the process!

All are welcome! 

Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!


Unlock the Future of Finance with Natalie Brunell & "Blockchain Becky" at the Eagle Summit

Editor's Note: When I asked Jay Peters who he'd recommend for a Blockchain and Bitcoin talk, he said this duo was a MUST! When you come recommended by Jay, you know you are getting the best in the business!

In a world where buzzwords like "blockchain" and "Bitcoin" float around in conversations, yet remain elusive in definition, comes a set of speakers who promise to demystify it all—Natalie Brunell and Blockchain Becky. Becky is going to interview Natalie and you should know she's not just any blockchain evangelist; she's a leading expert with guest appearances on Fox Business and CNN. Her insights have enlightened even the savviest business leaders, and she's bringing her wisdom to this year's Eagle Summit.

Why This Session Should Matter to You
Sure, you've probably heard about Bitcoin's soaring prices or blockchain's potential to revolutionize various industries. But what does it all mean for you and your business? Well, Natalie has answers. In her eye-opening session, "Blockchain Technology and BitCoin: The Financial Shift is Here," she promises to strip away the complexity and speak in terms we can all understand.

What's In Store

  • Blockchain Basics: Ever wondered what exactly a blockchain is? Natalie will break it down for you.
  • Bitcoin Decoded: Get a beginner-friendly look at the digital currency that started it all.
  • Real-World Implications: From healthcare to banking, learn how this tech is making waves.
  • Risk and Reward: Natalie won't shy away from talking about what you stand to gain—and what you should watch out for.

What Makes This Session Special
It's one thing to read articles about blockchain and Bitcoin. It's entirely another to hear it from someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes this revolutionary technology. Natalie's candid style and approachable demeanor make this often intimidating subject accessible to all, whether you're a tech novice or a seasoned entrepreneur.

The Takeaway
Don't miss your chance to be part of this transformative session. In a world where finance is shifting towards decentralization, staying uninformed isn't an option. Natalie will not only inform but inspire, leaving you with the clarity and motivation to take on the future.

So, mark your calendars for Blockchain Becky and Natalie Brunell's game-changing session. Prepare to be enlightened, educated, and maybe even a little entertained. The future of finance awaits—are you ready to unlock it?

We hope to see you at the Eagle Summit for this extraordinary session. It's time to engage with the future of finance. Are you in?



Hello Friends!

We are fast approaching one of the most enriching experiences of the year—Eagle Summit #64! For those of you who have been part of past summits, you know how transformational these two days can be. For newcomers, prepare to be inspired, educated, and connected like never before.

As we gear up for this remarkable event, we're calling on volunteers who would like to help make this Summit a smooth, enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

We need individuals for:

Check-In Help: Welcome attendees and ensure they have everything they need to kick off their Summit experience.

Greeters: Act as the smiling faces that guests see as they move throughout the event, offering a warm welcome.

Summit Ambassadors: Be the go-to person for any questions attendees might have, helping them navigate the schedule, find bathrooms, or even recommend a session to attend.

Volunteering is not just a fantastic way to contribute to the community but also a wonderful opportunity to connect on a deeper level with attendees, speakers, and Dr. Tom Hill himself.

I have summit discounts available for volunteers!
If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to me at 573-480-4372 or Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. I promise, it's an experience you won't want to miss!

I personally guarantee that this Summit will leave you hungry for more, for greater, and for the extraordinary.

Catch you at the Summit!

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center!

REGISTRATION: https://www.tomhilleaglenetwork.com/?cid=8722312c-1a51-463b-92fa-2193b572c4cf

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit! 

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