Eaglezine 10/19/2024: 65th Eagle Summit Highlights

eaglezine Oct 19, 2024

A Few 65th Eagle Summit Highlights

  • We had 68 attendees join us at this 65th Summit, and we welcomed SO MANY new faces! Such a blessing.
  • 22 incredible speakers graced the stage with POWERFUL messages and learning. So many take-aways!
  • Over $7000 was raised (IMPROMPTU!) for Love in Action and one of our new attendees donated a transport van to this incredible organization. WOW!
  • Dr. Hill graced us with his attendance for a short, but powerful, time on both days. There was not a dry eye...
  • I'll share keynotes over the next several issues for those who could not attend. We hope to see you next year. Dates coming soon!


Are You Ready for a Life Changing Conversation?

John O'Leary's story is one of incredible resilience and the power of the human spirit. As a young boy, he suffered severe burns over his entire body and was given a less than one percent chance of survival. Against all odds, he not only survived but thrived, becoming a bestselling author, acclaimed speaker, and host of the popular "Live Inspired Podcast."

John's message focuses on inspiring others to live their lives to the fullest, embracing challenges and finding meaning even in the face of adversity. His story is so powerful that it has been adapted into a feature film, scheduled for release in 2025.

Don't miss the opportunity to witness John's incredible journey and be inspired by his message of hope and resilience. Watch the video to experience the power of the human spirit firsthand!


You may have noticed the new motto... as a group at the last Mastermind we discussed the idea that we're all "Suits with Hearts" committed to servant leadership.

Here's What We Think That Means
The motto "Servant Leaders Committed to Human Development" is a powerful statement that embodies a holistic approach to leadership and growth. It moves beyond the traditional focus on professional development to encompass the full spectrum of human experience, recognizing that true leadership is rooted in service and a commitment to fostering growth in all areas of life. This approach aligns with the teachings of Dr. Tom Hill, acknowledging that well-rounded individuals, thriving in all aspects of their lives, are better equipped to lead and inspire others.


Join Us At The Nov 13 Mastermind!

Jim Manning with Three Doors will be sharing his incredible business story - one of incredible impact and masterful success.

His passion project around helping people in St. Louis become owners will be a highlight.

Don’t miss the chance to engage with like-minded professionals who are just as dedicated to advancement and success as you are. Come to learn, share, and grow together.

Date: Nov 13, 2024
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Where: The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO



I want to take a moment to challenge our entire community, especially those who couldn’t join us at the Eagle Summit this year. If you’ve valued the wisdom of the incredible speakers we’re sharing over the coming weeks or if The Impact Network has touched your life in any way over the years, here’s your chance to give back.

Our friends at CareLink, led by Jeff Hartman, are working to raise $6,000 to fund Josela, a talented Honduran woman starting an audio-visual and design business serving NGOs. With technical training, a solid business plan, and a client pool ready through referrals from her mega-church, she’s just waiting for this loan to help her dream take flight.

Even if you couldn’t be with us in person, your impact can still be felt. Consider contributing to CareLink. Together, we can help Josela, and with just $100 from each of us, we’ll reach that goal in no time. Let’s continue to make a difference and extend the legacy of giving that has defined this community for so long!

For more information or to donate, please contact Jeff Hartman at [email protected]

Let's step up and make this happen!

(or more, of course!)

Learn more about CareLink here.

Sandy Waggett, Partner
Editor, The Eaglezine
Certified High-Performance Coach
Maxwell Leadership Coach
Owner of MSW Interactive Designs
Digital Marketing Agency

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