Eaglezine 10/13/2023: The Eagle Summit was nothing short of spectacular!

eaglezine Oct 13, 2023

WOW! The 64th Eagle Summit was absolutely INCREDIBLE!

55 GROWTH FOCUSED friends shared in an exceptional summit experience at The Undivided Experience Center including entertaining and thought-provoking speakers, breathtaking excursions, a swag bag beyond belief, and amazing food!


The Eagle Summit was nothing short of spectacular! The energy was electric, the connections were real, and the speakers delivered content that left us all saying 'WOW'. We heard words like 'best ever,' 'thank you,' and 'I'll definitely be back.' To say it was a home run would be an understatement. We've got some unforgettable photos lined up to share the magic. Take a look and relive those fantastic moments!

Eagle of the Week

Meet Fred E. Miller: Our Eagle of the Week and the author of "No Sweat Public Speaking"

When it comes to public speaking and effective communication, few can match the expertise and enthusiasm of Fred E. Miller. As our "Eagle of the Week," we're thrilled to spotlight this extraordinary individual who has turned the art of public speaking into a transformative experience for countless professionals.

A Man of Many Talents 

Fred E. Miller is not just a speaker; he's an international coach and a bestselling author. His books, "NO SWEAT Public Speaking!" and "NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!" have garnered rave reviews on Amazon and are purchased globally. These publications serve as comprehensive guides for anyone looking to master the art of public speaking and networking.

A Voice in the Media 

Fred's influence extends beyond the written word. He has been interviewed by local, national, and international media, and his podcast channel ranks among the Top 25 Public Speaking Podcasts on the web. He was also a local TEDx Talk coach, helping speakers deliver their messages in the most impactful way.

Transform Your Communication Skills 

Fred E. Miller firmly believes that "Speaking Opportunities Are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!" Whether it's a one-on-one conversation or a presentation to a large audience, Fred shows how to "Develop, Practice, and Deliver Knock Your Socks Off Presentations! with - NO SWEAT!"

Exclusive Presentation on October 18 at The Undivided Experience Center in Chesterfield! 

We're excited to announce that Fred E. Miller will be sharing his invaluable insights in an exclusive presentation on Wednesday, October 18. In this session, he will cover:

  • The Components, Parts, and Elements of a Presentation
  • Tips for taking your presentation from Blah to AH!
  • The Fear of Public Speaking and how to lessen it
  • Efficient practices for Virtual Meetings like Zoom
  • Mastering the Elevator Speech

Why You Should Attend 

If you're looking to elevate your networking, public speaking, and presentation skills, this is a session you can't afford to miss. Fred's practical advice and actionable tips will equip you with the tools you need to communicate effectively and confidently in any setting. 

Don't miss this golden opportunity to learn from the best in the business. Reserve your spot for this transformative session and take your communication skills to the next level!



Take Back Your Power, Reclaim Your Peace, and Live Happy on Purpose

by Sandy Wardenburg (Waggett)

An age where the clamor of mundane routines often drowns out our inner callings, there arises a dire need to reconnect with our true selves. Our very own Sandy Wardenburg Waggett, a beacon of insight and inspiration, addresses this modern dilemma in her groundbreaking book, "Bold Moves: Uncover the Power to Reclaim Your Purpose". Through a tapestry of thought-provoking narratives and actionable advice, Sandy escorts readers on a self-rediscovery journey to resurrect their dormant dreams and reignite the flames of purpose.

“Bold Moves” isn’t merely a book; it's an invitation to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and societal expectations. It’s about unearthing the courage to make those daring moves, big or small, to step closer to the life you envision. Through a blend of Sandy’s personal stories and expert guidance, readers are not only bound to find a reflection of their struggles but also a friendly nudge towards a path of self-fulfillment.

Dive into the pages and you’ll find Sandy’s narrative to be your companion, her words, a mirror to your aspirations and fears. Each chapter is designed to challenge your thought processes, urging you to step outside comfort zones, and to cherish the journey towards reclaiming your purpose. The practical exercises within promise a deeper understanding of the hurdles that impede your progress, and the tools to overcome them.

The book has already garnered appreciation among readers for its honest, heartfelt, and pragmatic approach towards a subject so intrinsic to our existence. From the testimonials, it's evident that readers have found a new perspective and a renewed sense of hope. The book is a testament to Sandy’s profound understanding of the human psyche and her knack for articulating solutions to life’s complex quandaries.

We invite you to delve into “Bold Moves” and emerge with not just enlightenment, but a roadmap to a more purposeful existence. This isn’t just a read, but an experience that could be the turning point in your life’s narrative.

Embark on this transformative journey with Sandy Wardenburg Waggett and let “Bold Moves” be your guide to a life less ordinary. Your quest for purpose deserves nothing less.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday NOVEMBER 15, 9:30-11:00 at IncentiLock's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield. Thank you to Jane Vancil who graciously donates the room every month.

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!

From Summit Highs to Year-Round Impact: Let's Keep the Energy Soaring!

Hello Amazing Eagles,

WOW! What an extraordinary time we had at the Eagle Summit. I've got one word for you—Incredible! Your energy, your curiosity, your willingness to engage—it all made the summit a phenomenal success. A monumental thank you to each and every one of you. Special shoutouts to our presenters whose content was nothing short of mind-blowing. You all knocked it out of the park!

Now, let's keep that momentum going. We didn't just set up the Summit to have a great couple of days and then let it fade away. Oh, no! This is an active network, and we're so excited for what we'll accomplish together throughout the year.

We've got big plans, and your active participation is the fuel that powers this incredible network. So stay tuned, stay engaged, and let's keep soaring to new heights. Remember, we're not just a community; we're a movement. And we're making an impact, thanks to you.

Looking forward to a year of unstoppable energy and transformative experiences!

Soaring with you,
Sandy Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs

Sandy Waggett

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