Eaglezine 11/24/2023: Untold Stories of Thanksgiving

eaglezine Nov 24, 2023

Discover Thanksgiving Like Never Before - Fascinating Facts Inside!



Untold Stories of Thanksgiving

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving, Eagles!

As we gather to give thanks with family and friends, we thought it would be fun to delve into some fascinating, lesser-known facts about Thanksgiving. It's a holiday rich in history and tradition, with more layers than your favorite Thanksgiving dish!

1. A Three-Day Celebration

The first Thanksgiving in 1621 was a three-day feast between the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans, marking a successful harvest season.

2. Not Always a National Holiday

It wasn't until 1863, during the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday, intending to unite a divided country.

3. A Moving Date

Thanksgiving dates varied until 1941 when Congress established the fourth Thursday in November as the official date.

4. Forks Weren’t on the Menu

The Pilgrims ate the first Thanksgiving feast with spoons, knives, and their fingers, as forks weren’t common utensils in America yet.

5. A Presidential Pardon for Turkeys

Starting in 1989, President George H.W. Bush began the tradition of pardoning a turkey each year, sparing it from being eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.

6. Football and Thanksgiving

The tradition of football on Thanksgiving began in 1876 with a game between Yale and Princeton. The NFL took it over in 1920, making it a staple of American Thanksgiving.

7. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

The first Macy's parade in 1924 was called the Macy's Christmas Parade, intended to kick off the holiday shopping season.

8. Sarah Josepha Hale's Advocacy

The author of the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” Sarah Josepha Hale, wrote letters to five Presidents over 17 years, advocating for Thanksgiving to be a national holiday.

Eagle of the Week

Honoring Dr. Tom Hill

As the editor of our weekly Eaglezine, I've had the unique privilege of featuring many inspiring individuals within our community. However, this week, I'm taking the liberty to honor someone who, with his characteristic humility, might never step into this spotlight himself: Dr. Tom Hill.

A Legacy of Leadership and Inspiration

Dr. Hill's journey is nothing short of remarkable. His life story is a testament to the power of vision, determination, and the relentless pursuit of growth. From his early days to the towering figure he is today, Dr. Hill has not just lived a life of success; he has authored a narrative of inspiration for countless individuals.

The Heart of Our Community

Dr. Hill is more than a leader; he's the beating heart of our community. His wisdom, drawn from a wealth of experience, has guided many of us through both personal and professional crossroads. His ability to connect, to understand, and to elevate those around him is a rare gift that he has generously shared with all of us.

A Mentor and a Friend

To many, Dr. Hill is more than just a mentor; he's a cherished friend. His approachable demeanor and genuine care for every individual he encounters have created deep, lasting connections. The stories of lives he's touched are numerous, each a testament to his profound impact.

The Humility of a True Leader

Despite his achievements and the respect he commands, Dr. Hill's humility remains his most defining trait. He's the first to shine the spotlight on others, the last to take credit for the incredible work he's done. Today, we turn that spotlight back on him, not just as a gesture of thanks, but as a celebration of everything he embodies.

Dr. Tom Hill: Our Eagle of the Week

Dr. Hill, while you may prefer to stay out of the limelight, it's your time to be recognized. You've been the wind beneath so many wings, the guide in countless journeys, and the voice of wisdom in a world that often seems devoid of it. For all that and more, we proudly celebrate you as our Eagle of the Week.

In deep gratitude,


BOLD MOVES - Take Back Your Power, Reclaim Your Peace, and Live Happy on Purpose

by Sandy Wardenburg Waggett

In this compelling read, readers are inbited on a transformative journey to rediscover their sense of purpose and personal power. "Bold Moves" is more than just a book; it's a catalyst for anyone seeking to break free from life's constraints and step into a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

Rediscover Your Purpose

At the heart of "Bold Moves" lies a powerful message: you have the capacity to redefine your life at any moment. Waggett, drawing from her rich life experiences, shares insightful strategies to help you uncover and reconnect with your true purpose.

Overcome Challenges

Waggett doesn't shy away from addressing life's challenges. Instead, she offers practical advice and exercises to help readers overcome obstacles, embrace change, and make courageous choices that align with their inner values and goals.

Empowerment and Transformation

"Bold Moves" is a testament to the power of taking control of your narrative. It encourages readers to make deliberate, bold decisions that lead to personal growth and empowerment. This book is a guide for anyone looking to transform their life and reclaim their sense of self-worth and direction.

A Guide to Personal Wealth

Waggett introduces the concept of building a 'Personal Wealth Account' - a metaphorical account where you deposit positive actions and thoughts, building resilience and self-confidence. It's about nurturing your intrinsic value, irrespective of external circumstances.

For Whom Is This Book?

Whether you're feeling stuck, seeking a new direction, or simply need a motivational boost, "Bold Moves" is your companion. It's for entrepreneurs, professionals, dreamers, and anyone in between who's ready to make a significant change in their life.

Dive into this inspiring read and embark on your journey to a more purposeful and empowered life. It makes a great gift for the holidays, as well. Change the life someone you love!



Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372


There will not be a mastermind in December due to the holidays. Instead, Sandy Waggett is going to host a ZOOM training on ChatGPT and AI. This session is free for all 64th Eagle Summit Attendees. Just select "I'm a client" when you register!


You don't want to miss it!

Note from the Editor: With Incredible Gratitude

Hey there, Eagle Family!

I just wanted to take a moment to share with you how incredibly grateful I feel. Stepping into the shoes of leading our monthly masterminds, putting together our Eaglezine, and helping orchestrate the Eagle Summits has been such an amazing experience. Honestly, it's something I hold very close to my heart.

Every time I work on organizing a mastermind session, curating articles for the Eaglezine, or planning our next Summit, I'm reminded of the incredible trust you've all put in me. And that means the world to me. We're not just talking events and newsletters here; we're talking about continuing a legacy. A legacy that's all about growing together, sharing wisdom, and building real connections.

Now, speaking of legacies, Dr. Tom Hill's is a big one to live up to, right? Having the chance to carry this torch, with Tom guiding and supporting me every step of the way, is something I'm truly honored to do. His wisdom lights up our path, and his support is something I cherish.

It's a big job, but it's also a thrilling one. It's about creating spaces where we can all shine, learn, and grow. Whether it’s during our mastermind meet-ups, through the stories we share in the Eaglezine, or at our unforgettable Summits, it’s all about making sure everything we do reflects what this awesome community stands for.

Looking ahead, I'm super excited for all the adventures we have in store. With Tom's legacy as our guide, and all your amazing support, I know we're going to keep achieving incredible things together.

Thanks so much for your trust, your participation, and your infectious enthusiasm. Here's to more learning, growing, and succeeding as one big Eagle family.

With gratutide, 

Sandy Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs

 Sandy Waggett

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