Eaglezine 5/4/2023: Introducing new editor. Sandy Wardenburg Waggett

eaglezine May 05, 2023


I'd like to introduce the new editor of the Friday Eaglezine, Sandy Waggett. Many of you know her. Sandy is the owner of the digital marketing agency, MSW Interactive Designs. She is an author, speaker, high performance coach, and active Hill's Angel.

Behind the scenes for the past year, Sandy and I, along with my family, have been working on solidifying a plan to propel the growth of the incredible work Hill's Angels do around the globe.

It started with the Legacy initiative at the last Summit. We now have a committed team of professionals working together to create and distribute coaching curriculum, online courses, resources, masterminds, and networking events to connect, influence, and impact even more people across the world. I am so thrilled!

If you are local, I hope you'll join me in Chesterfield for the May 17 mastermind where Sandy, Mickey, and I will introduce details.

Sandy has also  teamed with Jane Vancil and Michael Graham to plan the biggest and most impactful Eagle Summit since pre-COVID. The agenda will be packed with incredible speakers centering around multiple areas of life and business. We're excited about the changes and the opportunity to energize your experience while offering life-changing sessions and reconnecting with old friends. Details and registration are coming soon.

The potential and impact are limitless!

Blessed beyond measure, 


PS: T.H.E. IMPACT NETWORK stands for Tom Hill's Eagle Impact Network. THAT'S YOU! You are the lifeblood and the changemakers to give legs to the legacy!





Take Back Your Power, Reclaim Your Peace, and Live Happy on Purpose

Author: Sandy Wardenburg (Waggett)




Shared by Evangeline Sutton


We'll have this available for review at the May 17 mastermind in Chesterfield, and available for purchase on the website May 22!

If you'd like more information in advance, reach out to Sandy at 573-480-4372. Digital previews are available.


“The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” 

Jim Rohn



A lighthearted Paul Harvey story you might enjoy:

In a small town, there was a barber who had a reputation for being the best in the business. His secret? He had a special knack for knowing exactly what his customers wanted without them having to say a word.

One day, a stranger walked into the barber shop, looking disheveled and unkempt. The barber, confident in his abilities, didn't ask the stranger what kind of haircut he wanted. Instead, he went straight to work, giving the man a fantastic haircut and shave.

When the barber finished, the stranger looked in the mirror and was amazed at the transformation. He thanked the barber and asked him how he knew exactly what he wanted without him saying anything.

The barber replied, "Well, I just looked at your clothes and your demeanor, and I figured you wanted something that would make you look respectable and put-together."

The stranger, impressed by the barber's intuition, paid for his haircut and left the shop. The very next day, the stranger returned to the barber shop, this time with a friend. The friend, like the stranger before him, had a messy appearance and needed a haircut.

The barber, once again, didn't ask the friend what he wanted. He simply began cutting and shaping the man's hair. When he finished, the friend looked in the mirror and, just like the stranger before him, was amazed at the barber's work.

As they left the shop, the stranger turned to his friend and said, "You see? I told you this barber was amazing. He knew exactly what you needed without even asking."

Paul Harvey concluded the story with a chuckle, saying, "And now you know... the rest of the story." The moral? Sometimes, the best way to understand someone's needs is by simply paying attention to the details.


And a fun bit of music shared by Brian Jud!



I can't tell you how excited I am to work on this with Tom and his family. Packaging Tom's extraordinary work has been a volunteer effort and a labor of love for the past year.

The Eaglezine is for you, so your feedback and inputs are invaluable!

We want to feature YOU, your business, your impact, your book(s) - it's all about you. Send information for inclusion  to me and my team at  Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. Be sure to include "Eaglezine" in the subject line. Feel free to call anytime. 573-480-4372 is my cell.

~ Sandy Waggett

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