Eaglezine 5/12/2023: Have you heard of ChatGPT?

eaglezine May 12, 2023




There's no doubt you've heard of ChatGPT by now. It's immensely powerful and useful for business and non-profits alike. But there are a host of other incredible AI tools out there that you may not yet be familiar with.

We plan to have an AI session at the upcoming fall Eagle Summit, but in the meantime, bookmark this site: https://www.futuretools.io/. Here, you'll find scores of AI sites that cover the gamut. It's updated daily!

Shared by Sandy Waggett


Dr. Maureen Hughes

Dr. Maureen Hughes, PhD, LMT, CTT, CATP

Certified SomaVeda® Indigenous and Traditional Therapist

Lay-Minister NAIC

Thai Yoga Instructor and Advanced Practitioner 1200+ hr | Licensed Massage Therapist 600 hr | Certified Yoga Instructor 200+ hr | Reiki Master | Doctor of Natural Medicine Candidate

PhD Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Immunology (2003)

Dr. Maureen Hughes of Total Harmony Integrated Wellness is a practitioner of SomaVeda Traditional and Indigenous Therapies which includes a plethora of techniques for manifesting wellness and mind, body, and spirit connection.

She has been offering this work as a Lay-Minister of the Native American Indigenous Church (a multi-denominational church) in the STL area since 2015, and is also a licensed massage therapist in Arizona, and also works in Chesterton Indiana. As a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and working to continually develop the Christ consciousness inside of her, she has been in the process of leveling up by doing some intensive healing of early childhood "stuff".

Along with Yoga, and Thai Yoga Massage therapy, which are both highly meditative disciplines, she has integrated a unique attitudinal healing practice aptly named "Choose Again" created by Diederik Wolsak. These techniques are accessible to anybody who is truly ready to look at "the stuff" that is holding them in a pattern of holding, or a downward spiral. There is a way out, and it is well delineated through a six-step process. As a person who has been plagued with past addictions to drugs and alcohol, and chaos... she has finally found something that is working for her.

There may be a time in our life, before the time of our departing this earthly existence, that we have what is known as an "existential crisis". We realize that the pain of not changing is worse than the pain of changing. Sometimes this manifests as physical pain.

Many times physical pain is actually a manifestation of the emotional body. The physical is the primary and fundamental aspect of life that is easily observable. If we are in pain, we are not going to be able to fully access our spiritual connection and all the gifts that come with it. Traditional healing methods from Thailand also integrate a practice called Ayurveda. It translates to "The Science of Life" and it is the lifestyle choices that we make that either connect us to God, or disconnect us from God (also known as dis-ease). Many clients that come to me have tried everything, or have a distinct distaste of Western Medicine and do not want surgery or drugs to cover the symptoms of deeper issues.

Maureen has also been certified to teach SomaVeda Traditional and Indigenous Healing Methods since 2016. She has had over 150 students in MO, FL, and Indiana, and is expanding her offerings to other locations, as she has a major travel bug!!!

Maureen has traveled to 19 foreign countries including India, China, Kenya, Peru, Italy, and the Baltics (a vacation to the "Motherland" with her Mother in 2018). Her goal is to have a place to live in all her favorite places, which includes Sedona, AZ.

Maureen is currently looking for investors willing to help create a unique Martial Arts/Healing Studio also offering other modalities and educational programming, with a focus on helping anyone heal, especially Veterans. She is considering a location in Brentwood, and will also strongly consider the St. Charles area.


[email protected]




"The Motivation Manifesto is a poetic and powerful call to reclaim our lives and find our own personal freedom. It’s a triumphant work that transcends the title, lifting the reader from mere motivation into a soaringly purposeful and meaningful life. I love this book." — Paulo Coelho

The Motivation Manifesto is a pulsing, articulate, ferocious call to claim our personal power. World-renowned high performance trainer Brendon Burchard reveals that the main motive of humankind is the pursuit of greater Personal Freedom. We desire the grand liberties of choice—time freedom, emotional freedom, social freedom, financial freedom, spiritual freedom. Only two enemies stand in our way: an external enemy, defined as the social oppression of who we are by the mediocre masses, and an internal enemy, a sort of self-oppression caused by our own doubt and fear.

The march to Personal Freedom, Burchard argues, can be won only by declaring our intent and independence, stepping into our personal power, and battling through self-doubt and the distractions of the day until full victory is won. Recalling the revolutionist voices of the past that chose freedom over tyranny, Burchard—at times poetic yet always fierce—motivates us to free ourselves from fear and take back our lives once and for all.


With the coming re-launch of the new website featuring The Legacy Project initiative, we're building in a HILL'S ANGEL LIBRARY. This will feature books and other work written and created by our incredible network - YOU!

Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372


The next monthly mastermind is MAY 17, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at:  743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

Speakers include: Tom's long-time associate Kevin Hinton of Decatur IL, and Sandy Waggett of MSW Interactive Designs and T.H.E. Impact Network.

All are welcome! 

Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

T.H,E. IMPACT NETWORK is now on Facebook. For news, events, motivation, and fun, join us by following the page @tomhilleagleimpactnetwork


Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Businesstown, there was a successful company led by a charismatic and intelligent CEO. This company was known for its unique and innovative products, as well as its ability to make even the most mundane tasks enjoyable. The CEO was a firm believer in the power of humor to foster creativity and teamwork.

One day, the CEO decided to gather his top executives for a team-building exercise at the company's annual retreat. Upon arrival, the executives found a large room filled with various items: balloons, silly hats, rubber chickens, and whoopee cushions. The CEO instructed the executives to choose one item that best represented their department and prepare a short presentation explaining their choice.

The executives were puzzled but intrigued. They selected their items and spent the evening brainstorming and rehearsing their presentations. The next day, the presentations began, and the room was filled with laughter and amusement. Each executive, usually so serious and focused, was able to bring a touch of humor and lightness to their department's role within the company.

After the last presentation, the CEO gathered everyone together and shared the true purpose of the exercise. "You see," he said with a smile, "our company thrives not just because of our excellent products, but also because of our ability to find joy and humor in our work. By embracing our lighter side, we can face challenges with a positive attitude and foster a creative, collaborative environment."

The executives left the retreat with a newfound appreciation for the importance of humor in the workplace. From that day on, the company continued to prosper, and the employees discovered that even in the world of business, laughter truly is the best medicine.

A ChatGPT Original!

Tom Hill and long-time Hill's Angel, Loren Cook (Cook Legal Group - Houston, TX), from the Houston Eagle Summit


Thank you for the wonderful feedback from the last Eaglezine. Our hope is to continue the tradition of the weekly Eaglezine while also elevating and introducing new content that may be useful in your daily and business lives.

Plans for the 2023 Eagle Summit are underway.

The committee is currently considering one of the first two weeks in October. The decision will be based on venue availability and will be announced soon. We plan to bring new and  incredible speakers around Tom's five areas of life teachings. We'll also be incorporating fun activities and diverse menu options for meals to accommodate an array of dietary needs.

We welcome your input as plans progress! Feel free to call anytime. 573-480-4372 is my cell.

~ Sandy Waggett

PS: Do you have photo of you and Tom from the past? I'd love to feature it in the Eaglezine! Email or text it to me with your full name and business (if applicable).

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