Eaglezine 6/30/2023: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

eaglezine Jun 30, 2023



Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Lessons from Atomic Habits

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often look for big, transformative changes to improve ourselves and our circumstances. However, in his best-selling book, "Atomic Habits," James Clear presents a compelling argument for focusing instead on the small, seemingly insignificant habits that make up our daily routines.

The central thesis is simple yet powerful: Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformations. It's about the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions – doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or reading just one page of a book. These small changes might not seem impressive on their own, but their cumulative effect over time can lead to a significant impact on our lives.

Clear introduces the concept of the "Four Laws of Behavior Change," which form the cornerstone of habit formation and elimination. These are:

Make it Obvious: To build a new habit, make the cue associated with it clear and visible. To break a bad habit, make the cues that trigger it less noticeable.

Make it Attractive: Use temptation bundling to make your habits more appealing. Pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do.

Make it Easy: Reduce the friction associated with good habits. The easier a habit is to start, the more likely it is to stick.

Make it Satisfying: Immediate rewards make a habit more enjoyable, thus increasing the likelihood of repetition.

By understanding and applying these laws, we can tailor our habits to align with our goals and aspirations.

Clear also debunks the myth of goal-setting. He suggests that focusing solely on goals can hinder our progress since goals only set the direction, but do not provide the system to get there. Instead, he advocates for systems and processes – the daily habits that propel us towards our goals.

Remember, the aim is not to change your habits overnight but to master the habit of showing up. An imperfect start can always be improved, but making no start at all leads nowhere. So, don't delay. Take that small step today and start the journey of transforming your life one habit at a time.

The book is available on AMAZON in both hard cover and Audible.

Shared by Sandy Waggett


Dr. Eddie Weller

Dr. Eddie Weller has always had the desire to add to people’s lives by offering them hope regardless of their situation. After learning about how his own health issues were related to his spine, more particularly the nervous system, the  irritable bowel syndrome he had been suffering from was now a thing of the past.

Thousands of students and doctors alike have heard his message and now he delivers a message of unity for all of humanity through the power of purpose while keeping Christ in the center. 

Besides guest on several tv and radio shows as well as hosting his own tv, radio show and commercials. He has created and developed a video library called “TIC for the TOR” designed to serve the Chiropractic profession when it comes to delivering the science, philosophy and art of Chiropractic to humanity. He has written several books as his recent was a textbook for doctors and a children’s book.

Dr. Weller hosts two- and three-day speaking events geared to motivate people by transforming their health and relationships when it comes to understanding the power of our two brains to help those to live their vision and their “why.” 

He frequently speaks at seminars, schools and in the work place. As a former BNI president and Entrepreneur Organization member, he currently owns several companies including a non-for-profit called “Chalk to Clay,” to where he builds homes, schools and churches for orphaned children across the globe.

Dr. Weller is an energetic and inspired man that seeks to serve those that are needlessly suffering as he has unique way of helping people when it comes to attaining health and relationships created to help those to create a breakthrough in order to be the person God has created you to be.

He believes that most of us take yesterday’s pain into tomorrow’s pleasure and in turn causing us to live a life of not enough. His care and presentations educate and inspire those that are seeking to have a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy relationships. 

As he always states, “I aim to put a smile on God’s face by serving humanity.” 

Get in Touch
(636) 527-3015
[email protected]

It is more than just health...
It's Your Life!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr. Weller will be a featured speaker at the 64th Annual Eagle Summit!


The Highly Sensitive

by Judy Dyer

Are you at the mercy of your emotions, overwhelmed by your environment, and easily triggered by other people’s feelings?

You aren’t alone. Millions of Highly Sensitive People (HSP) feel exactly the same way.

If you’ve always felt more delicate, more easily overwhelmed by sensory input, and more empathetic than those around you, you are probably an HSP. This book is packed with helpful advice and strategies you can use to live a balanced and meaningful life.


The Hill's Angel Library is LIVE!

Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday JULY 19, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

We are excited to have featured speaker is Lt Governor Kehoe. You won't want to miss it!

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

Check out the highlights from last Wednesday! Cindy O'Laughlin, MO Senate Majority Leader was incredible.

T.H.E. IMPACT NETWORK is now on Facebook. For news, events, motivation, and fun, join us by following the page @tomhilleagleimpactnetwork


We all know the old saying that laughter is the best medicine, but did you know there's actual scientific evidence backing it up? Laughter can help reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost your immune system. But let's not get too serious about it! Here are seven light-hearted quips to tickle your funny bone and remind you of the delightful link between laughter and health.

  • "They say laughter is the best medicine. It's like a jog for your insides, but with fewer regrets about skipping leg day."
  • "Did you know? A hearty laugh a day keeps the doctor away. It's a lot cheaper than health insurance!"
  • "You don't need a prescription for a good laugh, but it sure can cure what ails you!"
  • "Laughter is like a multivitamin for your soul, best taken daily and shared with friends."
  • "If chuckles were a fitness routine, I'd be a marathon runner by now."
  • "Laughter is a universal health tonic. Side effects may include joy, a sense of connection, and occasional snorting."
  • "Belly laughs are like internal workouts. Who knew comedy could be your new gym membership?"

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