Eaglezine 6/16/2023: Leading an Inspired Life

eaglezine Jun 16, 2023



Leading an Inspired Life

10 Take-aways from Jim Rohn's Masterpiece

Discipline: Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment. It enables you to translate your emotion and wisdom into action. It's a continuing process that brings all good things and it starts with one simple step: doing what you can do. It also helps improve your mindset and self-worth​​.

Personal Development: The key to your future lies not in what happens in the world, but in your response to it. You must change yourself to change your circumstances. Instead of wishing for fewer problems or an easier life, you should wish to become better and acquire more skills​1​.

Self-improvement: Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Your success is attracted by the person you become and the valuable skills you develop​.

Goal Setting: Set high expectations and goals that will transform your life and make you far stronger than you are currently. Goals are important for a success-oriented person, they are the driving force that keeps you moving forward. The process of achieving your goals will transform you into a stronger, wiser, and higher-performing person.

Visual Chain Thinking: Your direction, activities, and disciplines all make up crucial links in your chain of success. Every discipline affects every other discipline, and every action and discipline achieved is a link in the chain​​.

Communication: Effective communication is key, not just with others but with ourselves as well. It helps us maintain our relationships and our mental health. Understand the power of words and use them wisely to build, inspire, and motivate​​.

Learning: There is a need to invest time and resources in learning. It helps to widen our perspective and understand our environment better. It is also important to learn from every experience, good or bad, as they shape us and help us grow​​.

Attitude: Attitude plays a crucial role in how we perceive things and how we react to situations. Having a positive attitude can help us overcome challenges and achieve success​​.

Leadership: To be a good leader, one must lead themselves first. It involves setting a good example, setting and achieving goals, and developing a strong work ethic​​.

Self-Confidence: Self-confidence is a necessity. It's built through a process of learning, practice, and experience. It involves taking risks and learning from failures, and helps in making decisions and sticking to them​​.

The book is available on AMAZON in both hard cover and Audible.

Shared by Sandy Waggett


Gary Baker

Undivided Wealth Management, Managing Partner, President 

Beyond offering to host the 2023 EAGLE SUMMIT at his Undivided Experience Center in Chesterfield MO, Gary Baker is a long-time Hill's Angel and supporter of our network.

Passionate about helping others live exceptional lives, Gary became a financial advisor over 20 years ago. 

Early in his career, Gary realized his role in his clients’ personal and professional lives was far more significant than only managing their money.  His unbridled commitment to “what is most important” to his clients and his relational approach led him to create Undivided Wealth Management & the Undivided Experience Center. It is his privilege to provide clients with more value and help them achieve extraordinary lives.

Gary is a highly sought-after Thought Leader in the financial services industry. He serves on the Kestra Private Wealth Council and Fidelity Advisor Council. 

Gary is also a devoted husband to Sarah and father of three children, Jack, Charlie and Abbey.

Learn more about Gary at https://www.undividedwealth.com/

Undivided Wealth Management
657 Spirit Airpark West, Suite 104
Chesterfield MO 63005
(314) 696-0980

Undivided Experience Center
657 Spirit Airpark West, Suite 102
Chesterfield MO 63005


How Good People Make Tough Choices Rev Ed: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living

This insightful and brilliant analysis of ethics teaches readers valuable skills in evaluating tough choices and arriving at sound conclusions.

An essential guide to ethical action updated for our challenging times, How Good People Make Tough Choices by Rushworth M. Kidder offers practical tools for dealing with the difficult moral dilemmas we face in our everyday lives. The founder and president of the Institute for Global Ethics, Dr. Kidder provides guidelines for making the important decisions in situations that may not be that clear cut—from most private and personal to the most public and global.

Former U.S. senator and NBA legend Bill Bradley calls How Good People Make Tough Choices “a valuable guide to more informed and self-conscious moral judgments."


The Hill's Angel Library will be LIVE this weekend! 
Watch for the email announcement.

Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday JUNE 21, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at:  743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

Our featured speaker is Cindy O'Laughlin, Missouri Senate Majority Leader.

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

T.H.E. IMPACT NETWORK is now on Facebook. For news, events, motivation, and fun, join us by following the page @tomhilleagleimpactnetwork


Look, laugh, and LOVE ON YOURSELF!

7 insightfully humorous quips about self-care...

  1. "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...": Remember, mirrors don't lie. But luckily for us, they also don't laugh. So, take a look at yourself and love what you see. Self-care starts with self-love.
  2. "The Art of Napping": Some people call it "napping," we prefer "horizontal life pause." It's not laziness, it's a self-care power move.
  3. "Hydrate to the 'H20' power": Staying hydrated is important. So important that if you were a superhero, water would be your secret power. Remember, it's not just about quenching your thirst, it's about keeping your superhero powers in check.
  4. "You are what you eat": Take time to enjoy your food. Remember, you're not a garbage disposal, you're a temple. Treat your body like one.
  5. "Dance it out": Having a rough day? Dance it out. Scientists have yet to find a problem that can't be improved by a spontaneous dance party.
  6. "Exercise your rights...and lefts": Exercising can be a chore. But think of it this way: you're not sweating, you're sparkling. And who doesn't want to sparkle?
  7. "The Laugh Track": Laughter is the best medicine, and it's over the counter! Make sure to have a daily dose. Laughter really is the best self-care.

Remember, self-care is not selfish, it's essential. So, start incorporating these tips into your routine and let your inner light shine on "The Lighter Side" of life.



Eagle Summit 2023
October 6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center

With a wonderful hotel across the street, great shopping, and incredible restaurants nearby, we couldn't think a better venue!

I spent an hour on Zoom today with an INCREDIBLE POSSIBILITY for a keynote speaker - I can't wait to announce it!

We plan to bring new and  informative speakers around Tom's six areas of life teachings. We'll also be incorporating group activities and diverse menu options for meals to accommodate an array of dietary needs.

Watch for speaker promotions, excursions, lodging, pricing, and additional information coming over the next several weeks.

We welcome your input as plans progress! Feel free to call anytime. 573-480-4372 is my cell.
~ Sandy Waggett

PS: Do you have photo of you and Tom from the past? I'd love to feature it in the Eaglezine! Email or text it to me with your full name and business (if applicable).

Sandy Waggett, Partner


Editor, The Eaglezine

Certified High-Performance Coach

Maxwell Leadership Coach

Owner of MSW Interactive Designs

Digital Marketing Agency 

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