Eaglezine 7/7/2023: Seven Decisions For Meaningful Life Change

eaglezine Jul 07, 2023



The Seven Decisions

Lessons from Andy Andrews

In the intricate dance of life, where we are constantly juggling roles, responsibilities, and aspirations, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle or feel like we're at the mercy of external forces. Yet, the key to personal and professional fulfillment lies within us - in the decisions we make every day.

That's where Andy Andrews' book, "The Seven Decisions," comes into play. It brings us face-to-face with seven profound choices that we have the power to make, choices that have the potential to steer our lives towards success, happiness, and inner peace. These decisions matter because they are the building blocks of our lives, the compass guiding us towards our true north. Let's explore what these transformative decisions are and how they can redefine our life's journey.

1. The Buck Stops Here: This principle calls for personal responsibility. In other words, it's about owning our actions and the consequences they bring. Instead of blaming others or external circumstances, we acknowledge that we're the architects of our own lives.

2. I Will Seek Wisdom: Lifelong learning is key. We should always be eager to absorb knowledge and wisdom from every possible source. This decision also includes the wisdom of mentorship, both learning from others and teaching those who follow.

3. I Am a Person of Action: The crux of this decision is that action is what sets the world in motion. We can make all the decisions we want, but without taking action, they're just wishes. Overcoming inertia and fear is the way to achieve our goals.

4. I Have a Decided Heart: This refers to the power of passion and commitment. It's about cutting ties with indecision and confusion, and having a heart that's fully committed to our choices and paths. We must passionately pursue our goals without any room for doubt.

5. Today I Will Choose to Be Happy: This decision affirms that happiness is a choice, and we have the power to choose our attitude and reactions. Instead of allowing external circumstances to dictate our mood, we can choose happiness and spread positivity.

6. I Will Greet This Day with a Forgiving Spirit: Forgiveness is a potent tool for personal liberation. Holding onto grudges or past hurts only burdens our hearts. By choosing forgiveness, we're choosing to move forward without the weight of the past holding us back.

7. I Will Persist Without Exception: Persistence is the key to achieving our goals. Regardless of the obstacles or setbacks we face, we must keep moving forward. As Andrews puts it, we should become a “river” that carves a canyon rather than a “reservoir” that simply stores.

These decisions - taking responsibility, seeking wisdom, being action-oriented, having a decided heart, choosing happiness, forgiving, and persisting without exception - form the basis of a fulfilled and successful life. These aren't just decisions we make once, but guiding principles we should choose to live by every day. By consciously integrating these decisions into our lives, we can navigate challenges, cultivate personal and professional success, and author a story that's truly our own.

The book is available on AMAZON in both hard cover and Audible.
Shared by Sandy Waggett



Bruce Sheridan


Bruce Sheridan has spent his career assisting leadership teams from both large and small companies in elevating their businesses from good to great. Bruce has led thousands of leadership team meetings, working with Fortune 10 companies to small businesses with as few as 10 employees.

Bruce currently holds positions as an EOS™ Worldwide Equity Partner, EOS Worldwide Franchisee, and a Certified EOS Implementer. In these roles, he implements the Entrepreneurial Operating System, or EOS, with his clients. Over the past six years, Bruce has conducted over 200 full-day EOS sessions with more than 30 small businesses. EOS primarily targets privately held small businesses with 10 to 250 employees. Bruce aids these small business leadership teams in implementing a complete, proven system equipped with simple, practical tools to accomplish three things that EOS refers to as vision, traction, and health:

1.Vision - Helping leaders align 100% on the direction of the organization and the path to get there.

2.Traction - Assisting leaders in becoming more disciplined and accountable, ensuring they execute effectively to achieve every part of the vision.

3. Health - Guiding leaders to function as a healthy, cohesive leadership team, a crucial aspect often overlooked.

From there, the rest of the organization follows the leadership team's lead. The goal is to have the entire organization be clear on the vision, become more disciplined and accountable, execute well, gain consistent traction, and advance as a healthy, functional, cohesive team. You can learn more at www.eosworldwide.com/bruce-sheridan.

Bruce is also the founder of Life Compass™, a 501c3 non-profit, dedicated to aiding young adults in planning and living an intentional, fulfilling life. Using his 35 years of coaching experience, Bruce developed a process to guide young adults. Over the past seven years, Bruce has coached over 40 young adults and authored a book, "A Well-Launched Life: How Young People Can Live An Intentional, Fulfilling Life." Learn more at www.lifecomp.org.

In addition to his professional work, Bruce serves on the Board of Directors for the Chesterfield Regional Chamber and Urban KLife. He volunteers at his church and enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson. Bruce resides in Chesterfield, Missouri, with Jan, his wife of 32 years. Together, they have four children and two grandchildren.

(314) 705-5478


Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy

by Patrick Bet-David

Both successful entrepreneurs and chess grandmasters have the vision to look at the pieces in front of them and anticipate their next five moves. Patrick Bet-David translates this skill into a valuable methodology that applies to high performers at all levels of business.

Whether you feel like you’ve hit a wall, lost your fire, or are looking for innovative strategies to take your business to the next level, Your Next Five Moves has the answers.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday JULY 19, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at:  743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

We are excited to have featured speaker is Lt Governor Kehoe. You won't want to miss it!

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

Check out the highlights from last Wednesday! Cindy O'Laughlin, MO Senate Majority Leader was incredible.


Join us at the 64th Eagle Summit in October as Alan Spector unveils the secrets of non-financial retirement planning, a side of retirement often overlooked, yet vital for a truly fulfilling life post-career. This session promises to be a game-changer, offering a unique blend of insights that will empower you to thrive in your golden years.

Our exploration will span across:

 Unearthing "The 10 Key Elements of a Fulfilling Retirement" - the perfect roadmap to a successful retirement life.

 How to "Practice Retirement" while still clocking in 9-to-5 – a revolutionary approach to seamlessly transition into your new life phase.

 Engaging in "Crucial Conversations" with your loved ones – to ensure harmony and shared expectations as you prepare for your retirement journey.

 Mastering the "Retirement Life Planning Tool Kit" – your compass to navigate the intricate labyrinth of retirement planning.

 Unlocking the mystery of the perfect timing - "When to Retire?" - we'll tackle this head-on, guiding you to make the most personal decision with confidence.

What's more? Each attendee will receive a personal copy of Spector's game-changing book, "Your Retirement Quest". This is more than a session; it's the beginning of an exciting quest towards a purposeful and enriching retirement life.

Brace yourself to transform your perspective on retirement and step into a world of endless possibilities!


About the Speaker:
Alan Spector retired from the Procter & Gamble Company as a Director of Worldwide Quality Assurance in 2002.  In retirement, he has begun three companies and authored 12 books.

Three of the books focus on the non-financial aspects of retirement planning.  Along with writing the books, Spector has, for over a decade, spoken across the country, blogged extensively, and personally coached pre- and post-retirees about retirement planning—Beyond the Financials.


As seasoned corporate navigators, we've all heard (and let's be honest, used) our fair share of corporate lingo. These phrases flow through our meetings like a mysterious second language. But ever wonder what these cryptic codes truly mean? We've cracked the code and translated some of our favorite jargon into plain English for you. So buckle up, we're going on a lighthearted linguistic journey!

  • "Let's take this offline."
    Translation: "This isn't relevant to the current meeting, or we've gone too far off topic. Let's discuss this separately so others can continue with their lives."
  • "Circle back" or "Loop back."
    Translation: "We’re not deciding this now. Chances are, we may never revisit this, unless you bring it up yourself about seven more times."
  • "Think outside the box."
    Translation: "Please come up with something creative because our usual ideas aren't working, but keep it realistic. We're not actually starting a circus division."
  • "Synergy."
    Translation: "Let's work together, but in a way that makes our PowerPoint presentations look really cool and impresses our bosses."
  • "Low-hanging fruit."
    Translation: "We're going after the easy targets first, so it looks like we're making progress. And let’s hope we don’t have to climb the tree."
  • "Let's touch base."
    Translation: "I'm going to check in on you to make sure you're actually doing the work. Be prepared for a pop quiz."
  • "Push the envelope."
    Translation: "Let's do something risky or innovative but still within the constraints of our budget, time, and talent. And also, nothing illegal, please."


When is the last time you gave someone a crisp $100 bill? What happened when you did? Please share your story with me - we're creating a compilation!


Eagle Summit 2023
October 6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center

Rooms blocks for those traveling are secured at the Marriott Towneplace Suites, across from the venue. Reservation link coming soon! 20 King mini-suites are available.

  • Each week we'll be highlighting some of  our featured speakers!
  • Early registration will be available starting next week. Book early for a discount!
  • We're planning a welcome reception Thursday evening before event (10/5) - a GREAT networking opportunity!

We welcome your continued  input as plans progress! 
Feel free to call anytime. 
573-480-4372 is my cell.
~ Sandy Waggett

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

PPS: SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE for the Eagle Summit this year. Multiple levels available to include your Summit tickets and lodging! Contact Sandy Waggett for more information.

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