Eaglezine 7/28/2023: Ignite your curiosity, challenge your perceptions, and make connections that could change your life!

eaglezine Jul 28, 2023

Ignite Health, Wealth, and Impact at the 64th Eagle Summit in October


Ignite your curiosity, challenge your perceptions, and make connections that could change your life!

Get ready - because that's what is going happen at the 64th Annual Eagle Summit, held this year in Chesterfield, Missouri!

This year, we're lighting the fuse on transformative experiences, with a central focus on growth, wellness, technology, philanthropy, and real-world impact. Our exceptional roster of speakers, experts in their fields, will guide you through thought-provoking topics. Navigate the complexities of retirement from angles you never considered, bridge the communication gap between generations, and understand the profound wellness insights that your own bloodwork can reveal.

We're also bringing you to the forefront of the digital revolution, exploring blockchain technologies, cryptocurrency, and the limitless potential of Artificial Intelligence. But our quest for knowledge doesn't end there. We will tackle societal challenges, including domestic violence and human trafficking, head-on, seeking to inspire change and make a difference.

Ever wondered how to propel your business to the next level? Learn the secrets of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a game-changing framework that can drive your success.

However, this summit isn't just about engaging your mind; it's about nurturing your body and soul, too. Relax with chair massages and energy work during breaks and between sessions, to recharge and refocus. And be prepared to embark on a journey of emotional exploration as one speaker shares his heart-rending experience of caregiving for his wife during her battle with ALS in a moving talk titled "Born - Love - Die."

To top it all off, a host of unforgettable excursions are at your fingertips, promising to make this Eagle Summit experience like no other.

Mark the date, reserve your spot, and anticipate a convergence of knowledge, passion, and transformation at the Eagle Summit. Stay tuned for more details – you won't want to miss a minute!

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO


Oct 5 (Thur)

Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers
Oct 6 (Fri)
Incredible Speaker Line-up, Gifts, Wellness, Networking, Excursions
Oct 7 (Sat)
More Learning, Gifts, Connection, Excursions, Dinner Celebration,
and INCREDIBLE Keynote!

Chesterfield, MO
20 Rooms Reserved @ $134/Night
Last day to book at discount is Sept 5!

Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one!


John Knicely

What do you get when you mix all-natural pet shampoo, five family members with very unique giftings, and a mission to provide for the poor around the globe to the glory of God? The answer is the Cosmos Corporation, headquartered just outside St. Louis, Missouri.

But first you need to add 4+ decades of business grind. That includes near bankruptcy, product launches that flopped, and countless nights sleeping in minivans on sales trips. Throw in chemical product innovation and heart wrenching personal tragedy. Now you start to get the full picture of The Cosmos Legacy: He Who Builds Little by Little Makes it Grow

Don Kassebaum Sr. closed his barbershop in 1979 to start a business with the vision of funding work for God’s Kingdom. Since his heart was to glorify God, surely it would be a smooth path, right??? Far from it.

Cosmos now offers hundreds of products across multiple brands sold in 43,000+ retailers throughout 70+ countries. At a glance the business story may now seem like rainbows and puppy dogs, but the Kassebaum family will be quick to tell you that’s not the whole story. In this hour-long Legacy Project documentary the family pulls back the curtain and shares the highs, the lows, and how they kept their eyes on the Lord through it all. They explore critical business lessons learned and how God revealed Himself along the journey.

Don Sr. and his four sons point to the words from Proverbs 13:11, “he who builds little by little makes it grow.” 

As the producer of this project and a business owner myself, I can tell you those aren’t the words I want to hear. My flesh says “I want it all and I want it now!” Producing this project has been a huge blessing to my team in so many ways. 

On behalf of the Kassebaum family and my production team, we hope it inspires, encourages, and challenges you. You can watch the full 1-hour Legacy Film with this link. And for a taste of the full project, check out this 3-minute story on how God opened “Door #4” when every other door slams shut.

Oh, and the story behind the story is dripping with elements that point to how God is bigger than our understanding. Check out our podcast interview with Hill’s Angel, Derrik Kassebaum on the making of the Cosmos Legacy as we pull back the curtain on this project. In fact, Derrik is the one who introduced me to Tom Hill. And here we are now 2+ years later. God is good!


The Motive: Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities 

by Patrick M. Lencioni

Shay was still angry but shrugged nonchalantly as if to say, it’s not that big of a deal. “So, what am I wrong about?”

“You’re not going to want to hear this, but I have to tell you anyway.” Liam paused before finishing. “You might be working hard, but you’re not doing it for the company.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Shay wanted to know. Knowing that his adversary might punch him for what he was about to say, Liam responded. “You’re doing it for yourself.”

New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni has written a dozen books that focus on how leaders can build teams and lead organizations. In The Motive, he shifts his attention toward helping them understand the importance of why they’re leading in the first place.  

In what may be his edgiest page-turner to date, Lencioni thrusts his readers into a day-long conversation between rival CEOs. Shay Davis is the CEO of Golden Gate Alarm, who, after just a year in his role, is beginning to worry about his job and is desperate to figure out how to turn things around. With nowhere else to turn, Shay receives some hard-to-swallow advice from the most unlikely and unwanted sourceā€•Liam Alcott, CEO of a more successful security company and his most hated opponent.

Lencioni uses unexpected plot twists and crisp dialogue to take us on a journey that culminates in a resolution that is as unexpected as it is enlightening. As he does in his other books, he then provides a straightforward summary of the lessons from the fable, combining a clear explanation of his theory with practical advice to help executives examine their true motivation for leading. In addition to provoking readers to honestly assess themselves, Lencioni presents action steps for changing their approach in five key areas. In doing so, he helps leaders avoid the pitfalls that stifle their organizations and even hurt the people they are meant to serve.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday AUGUEST 16, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

We have an incredible set of speakers on slate for August. It's all about a $360 Million dollar resort - meet the developer!

You don't want to miss it!

Step into the future of Lake of the Ozarks with us on August 16th, from 9:30-11:00, at our next Mastermind Group! You won't want to miss these insightful presentations by two extraordinary speakers who are shaping the region in dynamic ways.

We are privileged to host Michael Harmison, the esteemed Mayor of Osage Beach, whose unique journey from business to politics reveals his devotion to the region's growth. Discover why this successful entrepreneur chose to enter the political realm and lead a city located in one of the country's most popular tourist destinations. Hear firsthand about the thrilling developments underway at the Lake of the Ozarks and get an exclusive look into the future plans designed to boost tourism, economic growth, and community engagement.

Our second keynote speaker, Jeff Tegethoff, represents the visionary force behind Tegethoff Development. Dive into his exciting presentation - complete with a captivating PowerPoint - detailing the $360-million Oasis at Lakeport development. Picture a year-round, family-centric resort set to transform Osage Beach, featuring a stunning 25-acre amusement park complete with thrill rides, roller coasters, and a 200-foot-tall observation wheel. Visualize a new Marriott Hotel, an indoor water park, multiple dining options, 200 public boat slips, and a 1,000-space parking garage.

But this isn't just an exciting entertainment venture; it's also a potent catalyst for economic growth. The Oasis at Lakeport is projected to create over 500 jobs and draw half a million visitors to Missouri, significantly boosting one of the state's leading industries – tourism.

Seize this opportunity to hear from the leaders who are driving these transformative projects and to ask them your burning questions. The future of Lake of the Ozarks is here, and you're invited to come meet the driving forces behind it!


Hold onto your yoga mats, because we're excited to bring a touch of Zen to the 64th Eagle Summit! We're thrilled to announce that Dr. Maureen Hughes, an esteemed authority in Yoga and Ayurveda, will be gracing us with her insights and expertise. You are going to feel like a new human!

And before you think we're going to turn you into pretzels, don't worry! As some of us may agree, the best part of yoga is that moment of tranquil relaxation where we get to lie down and do absolutely nothing. If that's the only position you master during our summit, then you're already a yoga pro in our books!



We are ready to ROCK with the 64th Eagle Summit! Our speaker slate is nearly FULL already and we couldn't be more excited. You are going LOVE this summit - you'll leave energized, educated, inspired, and deeply connected. Watch for Monday's email with the registration link - I expect a SELL OUT!

If you're coming from out of town, book your rooms now - we were given a GREAT rate from the TowneCenter Suites by Marriott across the street from the venue. $132/night for a King Mini-Suite. There are only 20 reserved and we expect them all to go!

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

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