Eaglezine 7/14/2023: What's your motive?

eaglezine Jul 14, 2023



The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO

Oct 5 (Thur)

Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers
Oct 6 (Fri)
Incredible Speaker Line-up, Gifts, Wellness, Networking, Excursions
Oct 7 (Sat)
More Learning, Gifts, Connection, Excursions, Dinner Celebration,
and INCREDIBLE Keynote!

Chesterfield, MO
20 Rooms Reserved @ $134/Night
Last day to book at discount is Sept 5!

Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one!

What's Your Motive?

Leadership is not about enjoying the benefits of the role, but rather about embracing the responsibilities that come with it.

1. Adopt a Responsibility-Centered Leadership Style:
Be aware of your reasons for being a leader. Ensure they are not self-serving, but instead focused on the betterment of your team and organization.

2. Embrace the Duties of Leadership:
Understand that leadership isn't about the perks but about the duties. Embrace the mundane, administrative, and unexciting tasks that are part of the job.

3. Be Prepared to Make Sacrifices:
As a leader, you'll need to put the needs of your team and organization first, even when it means personal sacrifices.

4. Don't Shy Away from Uncomfortable Tasks: Addressing difficult issues, providing critical feedback, and making tough decisions are all part of a leader's role. Avoiding them can harm the team and the organization.

5. Model the Behavior You Want to See:
Demonstrate the values and behaviors you want your team to embody. This includes transparency, commitment, humility, and diligence.

6. Invest in Building a Strong Leadership Team: A strong and cohesive leadership team is a linchpin for organizational success. Dedicate time and energy to build and nurture this team.

7. Ensure Your Motives Are Aligned:
Regularly check-in with your reasons for being a leader. Make sure they are aligned with a genuine desire to serve, support, and elevate your team and your organization.


Brett Blair (Update)

I’m EXCITED! Tanya and I leave for a 10-day trip to Kenya today. We’ll be on a photo safari in the Masai Mara with five other couples. It will be a memorable trip, I’m sure. I’ll share some photos when we get back.

I’m MORE EXCITED! My book is finished! I had planned to self-publish Born – Love – Die next week, but a good thing happened to me last week. A friend asked about my plan to publish the book, and when I shared it with him, he nearly slapped me. He pointed out that I’ve been working hard on this book for over two years, I have an important message to share, and that Kim’s story and legacy deserve more effort than simply “pushing the button” on Amazon’s self-publishing platform one evening. My friend was right. Over the next two months, I’ll be promoting the book and leaning on friends (like you) to help get the word out, with a launch date of October 1, 2023. You’ll be hearing more soon about the launch.

And I want to share with you my thoughts about writing. The habit of writing has become my friend and a pillar of stability, confidence, and courage. I encourage you to become a writer if you are not already. I’m so thankful that my life coach, Dr. Tom Hill, back in 2007 inspired me to become a reader and a writer. He encouraged me to start reading good books. He encouraged me to start writing in a journal. I followed his advice and haven’t stopped.

Dr. Hill also encouraged me to write a book as he does all his clients. He says everyone has a book in them, which should be written down. If for no other reason, the story should be written to share with your kids and grandkids. Tom kept nagging me about this, and I eventually gave in. I first wrote From Autopilot to Authentic and then co-authored with Tom Living at the Summit. Writing a book is hard, but it is so worth the effort. It is like running a marathon or getting an advanced degree. Each requires a ton of training, effort, dedication, and commitment to finish. This leads to personal growth, a key element of fulfillment and well-being.

As I was writing Born – Love – Die, I leaned heavily on the entries I made in my journal during the year of ALS. I’m so thankful I kept that journal as it revealed the truth of some sad and raw moments that my human memory had forgotten or tucked away.

I’ll recap my advice for you and your loved ones:

1. Become a reader of good books. Put down the device. Turn off the TV. As you read books, you’ll become more intelligent, interesting, curious, and addicted to growth.

2. Start writing in a journal every day. This will help you reflect on your one and only life and perhaps make changes to live your best life.

3. Write a book. Write down the story of your life. Leave it for your kids and their kids.

I’m curious about your thoughts and experience with “reading and writing.” Also, please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you and be on the lookout for news about how you can help me with the launch of Born – Love – Die.


Brett Blair


The Gift of Influence: Creating Life-Changing and Lasting Impact in Your Everyday Interactions

by Tommy Spaulding 

"From the New York Times bestselling author of The Heart-Led Leader comes an empowering manifesto on how to use influence to “make a real difference in the lives of those you interact with at work, in your home, and wherever you may roam” (Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager)

Researchers estimate that the average person will influence up to eighty thousand people over the course of their lifetime—or 2.8 people daily.

That’s a stadium full of people each of us affects in ways positive or negative, sometimes without our realizing. What if we paid attention to this fact? Would we live differently? Would we lead differently? Would we put down our phones and be more present with the people in front of us?

Tommy Spaulding believes the answer is yes. In this compelling and deeply personal book, Spaulding explores how we can be more mindful and effective in wielding the influence that each of us has over others—in our careers, our everyday interactions, and the relationships we cultivate throughout our lives. Sharing stories from exceptional leaders—from entrepreneurs who have made an impact far beyond their businesses to a teacher who changed the lives of thirty-six students with a simple classroom lesson—Spaulding gives us a simple recipe for leading a life that matters, including 

  • the power of asking “What’s your story?”
  •  the secret to turning transactions into true interactions
  • showing up meaningfully for people in need instead of saying “Let me know how I can help.”

For business leaders, educators, parents—everyone who works with people—The Gift of Influence is an essential read on the daily actions that add up to a meaningful life.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday JULY 19, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at:  743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

We are excited to have featured speaker is Lt Governor Kehoe. You won't want to miss it!

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

Check out the highlights from last Wednesday! Cindy O'Laughlin, MO Senate Majority Leader was incredible.


Join us at the 64th Eagle Summit in October for an incredible keynote from Matt Shoup!

Matt Shoup is a Jesus follower, husband, father, an award-winning serial entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, Spain aficionado, aspiring paella chef, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt (Loren Cook - this is for you!), and Spanish coffee addict.

Matt has been featured in publications such as INC Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, BBC, Fox Small Business, Huffington Post, US News and World Report, and EO Overdrive. Matt has spoken to companies all over the world, in both English and Spanish, where he shares a refreshing and down to earth message for entrepreneurs, inspiring them to Pour Into People, and Share Their Painted Baby Stories, among other topics.

Matt wrote his first book Become an Award Winning Company in 2011, and his second book, Painted Baby in 2023. Matt has founded 6 successful companies and grown them all from the ground up. All of these companies are being run by extraordinary people! These companies are M & E Painting, M & E Roofing Solutions, RiRy: Makers of The Pirate Patch Drywall Repair Tool, Northern Colorado Jiu Jitsu, M & E Real Estate Ventures and MattShoup.com

When Matt is not running his businesses, he enjoys spending lots of time with his family, traveling to Spain, teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, perfecting his Spanish paella cooking skills and enjoying endless cups of Spanish Coffee at Café Sevilla.

We are absolutely thrilled to get him on our stage at the 64th Eagle Summit and can't wait to have him share his impactful message with our network!


Generational differences can sometimes seem as vast as the Grand Canyon, especially when it comes to communication styles. But fear not, we've got a few light-hearted observations that might make the 'technological divide' feel a little more like a hopscotch game. Ready to chuckle? Here we go...

  • "Why don't Baby Boomers use bookmarks? Because the remote control doesn't fit in the book!"
  • "How does Generation Z answer a phone call? They don't. Texting wasn't invented for no reason!"
  • "What's a Millennial's favorite way to start a phone call? 'Hey, can I text you instead?'"
  • "An awkward moment is when a Gen Xer tells a Boomer to 'just Google it,' and the Boomer responds with, 'Can you fax me the instructions?'"
  • "If you're wondering what happened to all the hashtags, don't worry. The Millennials and Gen Z-ers are keeping them safe on Instagram and Twitter!"

Laughing together is one way we bridge gaps and build understanding. While our preferred ways of communicating may differ, there's a common thread in all of it: the need to connect and share a good laugh. Until next time, whether you're dialing, texting, tweeting, or carrier-pigeoning, remember to keep the humor in your messages. It transcends all generations!


WHOA! I am flippin' excited about this summit!

You know those God Winks that Tom always talks about? I feel like that's what happening around this year's summit. We already have the most incredible speakers ready bring energy, transformation, joy, strategy, wellness, strength, and so much more!  We'll open with a cocktail reception on Thursday evening and enjoy some friendship and connection time. Oh, and the excursions in the works are incredible! Who could get excited about a private tour of The Cathedral Basilica or maybe a beautiful cruise on the river?! 

If you're coming from out of town, book your rooms now - we were given a GREAT rate from the TowneCenter Suites by Marriott across the street from the venue. $132/night for a King Mini-Suite.

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

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