Eaglezine 1/26/2024: Art of Legacy Storytelling

eaglezine Jan 26, 2024

65th EAGLE SUMMIT: SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, 2024

  • LEGACY The Impact of Story for Generations
  • UNCERTAINTY Jennifer Graham's Ascension & Reflection
  • REFLECTION 5 Questions for Leaders a Month Into 2024
  • MASTERMIND Join us FEB 14 at New Chesterfield Location
  • Thought to Ponder
  • Note from the Editor
  • Website ADA Compliance Protect Your Business

Art of Legacy Storytelling with Story on Purpose

In today's fast-paced world, the power of storytelling has never been more crucial, especially when it comes to preserving the essence of values-driven businesses and families. John Knicely, through his venture Story on Purpose, has masterfully blended the art of storytelling with strategic objectives to create a lasting impact. His work in producing Legacy Films and engaging video projects stands as a testament to the importance and value of legacy video stories.

Preserving Values for Generations

In 2023, Story on Purpose took on the noble task of crafting Legacy Films for multigenerational family businesses. These films are not just a retelling of history; they are a medium to transfer core values and foundational stories to future generations. This endeavor ensures that the essence of these businesses, their struggles, triumphs, and lessons learned, are artfully preserved and passed down, keeping the legacy alive and vibrant.

A Tool for Business Success

The influence of John's work extends into the business realm as well. Story on Purpose's sell-side video project, which played a pivotal role in the sale of a $25 Million+ manufacturing business, is a prime example. By increasing engagement fivefold from prospective buyers, the project highlighted how powerful storytelling can be in capturing attention and conveying value in a business context.

Empowering Through Education

Recognizing the need for individuals to tell their authentic stories effectively, Story on Purpose also launched the Instant Clarity Online Course. This course is designed to equip business owners and salespeople with the skills to articulate their unique stories compellingly, driving tangible results. It's a resource that promises clarity and impact for anyone looking to make their mark through storytelling.

The Call for Legacy Stories

John Knicely and Story on Purpose are now looking to connect with more businesses and families eager to capture their authentic essence through legacy video stories. Whether it's to preserve family values, enhance business sales, or simply to tell a story that resonates, John's expertise stands ready to guide you through this journey.

Your Story Matters

If you're contemplating the importance of your legacy and how best to articulate it, consider reaching out to John Knicely and Story on Purpose. In a world where authenticity and values increasingly stand out, let your story be heard and felt through the powerful medium of video.

John Knicely and Story on Purpose offer a unique opportunity to encapsulate the soul of your legacy in a narrative that speaks across generations. Don't let your story go untold; embrace the chance to share it with the world.

Contact John Knicely and Story on Purpose

Eagle of the Week

Jennifer Graham - A Trailblazer in Workplace Strategies

This week's spotlight shines on Jennifer Graham, a visionary in the field of workplace strategies and a valued member of our Eagle community. With a career spanning over a decade at Color Art, Jennifer has consistently demonstrated innovation, leadership, and a deep commitment to enhancing work environments.

From Saluki Roots to Industry Leader

Jennifer's journey, originating from her studies in Interior Design at SIU-Carbondale, has been marked by a series of pivotal roles shaping her path to success. Her tenure at companies like Arcturis, Knoll Textiles, and Herman Miller showcases her growth and expertise in transforming workplace settings.

A Decade of Influence at Color Art

Joining the Workplace Strategies Team at Color Art around 13 years ago, Jennifer played a critical role in reinventing how businesses perceive and design their physical spaces. Her work not only impacted aesthetics but also profoundly influenced productivity and employee well-being.

Sometimes things change unexpectedly.
We checked in with her for an update, and here's what she shared:

I’ve undergone significant personal growth and introspection over the last 8 months, navigating the challenges that came after being demoted in my 50’s. I am no longer managing and have a position that is newly created “with my strengths in mind.” Most people say “congratulations” when I tell them. They have probably already learned what I am just discovering. I have gone through some very low moments because this was not how my “plan” was supposed to work out.

I am trying to have resilience and a positive mindset through this transition because I believe I can learn and grow in all circumstances. The following are the areas I have focused on.

Questioning Workaholic Habits
Understanding the reasons behind my previous behavior has me directing my energy towards a more sustainable pace and work-life balance. What kind of hobby would I like to choose with this extra time?

Building Meaningful Relationships
Developing stronger connections with colleagues, especially those who no longer report to me is a shift towards being more authentic. This change has contributed to a positive work environment that has enhanced my overall job satisfaction.

Focus on Mentorship
I have years of experience and knowledge that is available to be shared with the team. I do value helping the team learn new sales skills or strategies. What is easy to me after years of practice takes time to develop. It is good to recognize that other’s took time for me, and I have the honor of passing it on.

Pondering My Career Pace
Taking this time to reflect on the speed at which I have always moved compared to the speed at which I want to move forward has been an interesting exercise. At first, I was ashamed for even thinking about moving slower because I wanted to “show them” But now I am wondering what I may have seen or done differently in my career if I had slowed down sooner. I am taking time to consider what I can do outside of work. Pickleball, watercolor, flip houses?

Navigating Uncertainty
Dealing with the uncertainty that comes with a change in role and responsibilities has been challenging. I am practicing navigating emotional resilience through this period by not loosing site of my strengths and what I can offer the team. For someone who wants certainty and a plan, embracing ambiguity has unexpectantly led to both personal and professional growth.

Freedom from Constant Measurement
Surprisingly enough not having a plan or a measurement each day began as a challenge but has since become liberating. This extra time allows me to focus on personal growth, creativity and finding new ways to contribute with out the pressure of traditional metrics.

Personal and professional growth is an ongoing journey and I want to adapt to change and find positivity in this current circumstances. It is never too late to look within, add new challenges, adjust attitudes.

Jennifer Graham
Director of Workplace Solutions
Color Art Furniture
O: 314.432.3000 • M: 314.910.9181 • [email protected]

Jennifer Graham's story is not just about career success; it's about a deep-seated commitment to excellence and innovation . As we celebrate her as our Eagle of the Week, let her journey inspire us to continually seek growth and transformation in our professional paths.

Love It or Hate It ... It "Ain't Going Anywhere!"

Our February Mastermind session promises to be an extraordinary experience, and you're invited to be a part of it. Join us on February 14th at the stunning new location, The Undivided Experience Center, for a session that's set to redefine the way you think about AI in business.

Date: Feb 14, 2024
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Where: The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO

The Leader's Reflection: Five Introspective Questions for a Balanced Path to Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate leadership, it's crucial for leaders to periodically step back and reflect on their journey, not just as leaders but as individuals at the intersection of professional ambition, personal growth, and spiritual balance. The path to truly effective leadership is often introspective, requiring a deep dive into how personal values align with professional conduct, how one envisions their legacy, and the pursuit of a harmonious balance between work and life.

Here are five thought-provoking questions designed to guide leaders in introspection and self-evaluation, encouraging a holistic view of their role and impact in both their professional and personal lives.

Leadership Reflection
"How do my personal values and beliefs influence my leadership style, and in what ways could aligning them more closely enhance my effectiveness as a leader?"

Legacy Consideration
"Looking back at my journey, what do I want my legacy to be both within my organization and in the broader community? How am I actively working towards creating this legacy?"

Life Balance Inquiry
"In the pursuit of professional success, how do I maintain a balance that honors my personal life and relationships? What steps can I take to improve this balance?"

Spiritual Connection
"How does my spiritual or philosophical outlook shape my approach to decision-making, crisis management, and long-term vision in business?"

Self-Transformation Question
"As a leader who constantly encourages growth in others, what areas of personal growth and development have I overlooked in myself, and how can I address these to become a more well-rounded individual?"


Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at [email protected]. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372.

Note from the Editor:

Dear Eagle Community,

I hope this message finds you all thriving and embracing the new opportunities and challenges that each day brings. As we continue to evolve and grow together, I wanted to address a question that may be on your mind: "Where did the book of the week go?"

While we've all enjoyed and benefited from the insightful book recommendations over the years, we're excited to announce that we're broadening our horizons! Yes, we'll continue to share books that inspire and educate, but we're also expanding our offerings to include a wider range of resources. Think seminars, valuable reflections, coaching resources, and much more.

A Diverse Spectrum of Resources

Our goal is to cater to the diverse interests and needs of our vibrant community. We understand that growth and learning come in many forms, and we want to ensure that we're providing a variety of tools and resources to support your journey.

Sharing is Caring

Do you have something to share? An event, a workshop, or perhaps a challenge you've found particularly transformative? Please send it my way! Your contributions are what make our community rich and dynamic.

I Want to Hear from You - Really!

What else would you love to see in our community? This is your platform, and your input is invaluable in shaping our direction. Whether it's a type of event, a specific topic for workshops, or any other resource you believe would benefit our members, I am all ears. Your suggestions and feedback are not just welcome; they're essential.

A Commitment to Serve and Grow Together

I am committed to serving this community and ensuring that we continue to grow and thrive together. Your success, both personal and professional, is what drives this community forward. Let's continue on this journey, exploring new avenues of growth and learning, and building an even more enriching experience for all of us.

Looking forward to all the exciting things we'll share and discover together!

Let's GROW This!

Sandy Wardenburg Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs
[email protected]

Sandy Waggett, Partner
Editor, The Eaglezine
Certified High-Performance Coach
Maxwell Leadership Coach
Owner of MSW Interactive Designs
Digital Marketing Agency

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