Eaglezine 1/12/2024: 2 Big Ideas to Make New Year Resolutions Work For You

eaglezine Jan 12, 2024


  • BREATHE! The Resilient Entrepreneur's Guide
  • 2 Big Ideas to Make New Year Resolutions Work For You

At the end of December we embarked on a refreshing journey to redefine New Year resolutions, moving away from fleeting ambitions to more sustainable, meaningful goals. This week, let’s take that concept further, evolving our approach into a powerful, actionable strategy for 2024: integrating monthly themes and micro-resolutions.

Building on Our Foundations
Building upon previous insights, where we laid the groundwork for achievable and impactful resolutions, we now introduce a two-step process to enhance this approach: focusing on monthly themes and complementing them with targeted micro-resolutions.

Monthly Themes: A Roadmap for Success
Imagine your year as a book with twelve distinct chapters, each dedicated to a specific aspect of your life or business. By assigning a unique theme to each month, we create a focused roadmap that guides our efforts and keeps us aligned with our overarching goals.

Micro-Resolutions: Small Steps, Big Impact
Within these monthly themes, let’s break down our objectives into micro-resolutions. These are small, manageable actions tailored to support the month’s theme. Simple daily or weekly tasks, when consistently followed, compound into significant progress over time.

A Resource for Deepening Our Approach
To further this concept, I highly recommend revisiting the article from the end of December (A Fresh Approach to New Year Resolutions) and then watching "BREATHE - The Resilient Entrepreneur's Guide" on YouTube. This episode perfectly complements our discussion by offering a step-by-step guide to setting effective goals within the framework of monthly themes and micro-resolutions.

Watch the Video Here

From the Video, You'll Gain:

  • Practical guidance for impactful monthly goal setting.
  • Insights on creating and maintaining focused micro-resolutions.
  • Strategies to balance personal well-being alongside business growth.

Supporting Our Eagle Community
By subscribing to "BREATHE," you not only access valuable insights for your goals but also support a fellow Eagle community member. Engage with the content, share your progress, and learn from the experiences of fellow entrepreneurs.

Together, We Grow
As we continue our journey through 2024, let’s use these tools to build on our resolutions, turning aspirations into real, tangible results. With monthly themes and micro-resolutions, we’re equipped to make this year one of remarkable growth and success.

Eagle of the Week

Fred E. Miller - Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

This week, the Eagle spotlight shines on Fred E. Miller, a distinguished member of our community and the maestro behind "NO SWEAT Public Speaking." Fred's expertise and passion for public speaking have made him a renowned figure in helping individuals elevate their communication skills to new heights.

No Sweat, All Confidence

Public speaking is an art, and Fred E. Miller has mastered it. His "NO SWEAT Public Speaking" platform empowers professionals to develop and deliver presentations that are not just informative but also engaging and persuasive. Fred understands the nuances that turn a good speech into a great one and has dedicated his career to sharing these secrets with others.

A Proven Framework for Success

Fred's approach to public speaking is methodical and proven. He emphasizes the importance of structure, clarity, and the power of storytelling. His methods help speakers eliminate the fear of public speaking and replace it with confidence and excitement.

Expanding Influence Through Speech

Through his work, Fred has shown that effective public speaking is about more than just delivering a message; it's about expanding your influence. His strategies have helped countless individuals to not only improve their speaking skills but also to enhance their professional and personal lives.

Elevating Your Speaking Game

For those looking to improve their public speaking skills, Fred's resources on "NO SWEAT Public Speaking" offer a wealth of knowledge. With his guidance, you can learn how to craft compelling presentations, engage with your audience, and leave a lasting impression.

An Invitation to Learn from the Best

We invite you to visit Fred's website to discover the resources and services he offers. Whether you're preparing for a keynote, a business presentation, or seeking to improve your public speaking prowess, Fred E. Miller is your go-to expert.

Congratulations to Fred E. Miller, our Eagle of the Week, for his exceptional contribution to the field of public speaking and for empowering our community with the skills to speak confidently and effectively.



Don't miss out on our first monthly mastermind of the year, featuring the sensational Jeff Koziatek, who captivated everyone at the Eagle Summit with his dynamic presentation!

Join us on January 17th from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Incentilock conference room, located at 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr, Chesterfield, MO 63005. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage, learn, and connect with fellow professionals in an environment that's all about growth and inspiration.

Let's kickstart 2024 with fresh insights and renewed energy — see you there!

No Sweat Public Speaking
by Fred Miller
Have you ever been asked or considered the idea of:

  • Making a Presentation
  • Giving a Speech
  • Offering a Toast
  • Accepting an Award
  • Bestowing an Award
  • Delivering a Eulogy
  • Facilitating a Meeting
  • Speaking to an Audience

If so, you're not alone. Public speaking is a skill that often strikes fear into the hearts of many, sometimes even more than the fear of dying! This apprehension can hold back careers and personal growth, but the good news is that just like any other skill, public speaking can be learned and mastered.

Why Public Speaking Matters: When you speak confidently and effectively, you are perceived as an expert. Perception often becomes reality, and people naturally prefer to engage with experts. In "No Sweat" Public Speaking!, you'll discover:

Key Takeaways:

  • How to Develop a Speech or Presentation
  • Effective Techniques for Practice and Rehearsal
  • Strategies for Delivering an Outstanding Presentation
  • Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
  • Presentation Tips That Elevate You Above the Average Speaker
  • Techniques That Ensure Your Audience Truly Understands Your Message

Fred E. Miller, a seasoned speaker, author, and coach, is here to guide you on your journey to improving your public speaking and presentation skills. Businesses and individuals seek his expertise because they recognize the value of effective communication.

Giving Back: In "No Sweat" Public Speaking!, you'll also discover the wisdom in Fred's words: "A Smile is a non-physical hug." In alignment with this philosophy, a portion of each sale of this book is donated to The Smile Train, a charitable organization dedicated to bringing smiles and hope to children around the world. Learn more about their work at smiletrain.org.



Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at [email protected]. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372.

Note from the Editor:

Dear Eagle Community,

As we continue to navigate through a year of renewed possibilities and opportunities for growth, I am thrilled to extend a special invitation to our upcoming mastermind event next Wednesday. We are incredibly fortunate to have Jeff Koziatek, a powerhouse of inspiration and a highlight at our last Eagle Summit, gracing us with his presence and wisdom.

Jeff's ability to captivate and motivate is unparalleled, and his insights into personal and professional development have left lasting impressions on all who have had the pleasure to hear him speak. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss—a chance to engage with a top-tier professional dedicated to helping others achieve their highest potential.

Whether you're a long-time participant of our masterminds or you've been away for a while, now is the perfect time to reconnect. Bring a friend, a colleague, or come solo, but be sure to come with the readiness to explore new ideas and perspectives that Jeff will undoubtedly bring to the table.

These mastermind sessions are a cornerstone of our community, a place where like-minded professionals gather not just to network but to support and uplift each other. Your presence adds to the richness of the experience, and together, we create an environment where real growth can happen.

Let's make next Wednesday's mastermind a date on our calendars—a moment to come together and learn from one of the best, Jeff Koziatek. Let's show up for ourselves, for each other, and for the collective strength of our Eagle community.

Looking forward to seeing you there and to the vibrant discussions and breakthroughs that will surely follow.

Sandy Wardenburg Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs
[email protected]

Sandy Waggett, Partner
Editor, The Eaglezine
Certified High-Performance Coach
Maxwell Leadership Coach
Owner of MSW Interactive Designs
Digital Marketing Agency

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