Eaglezine 2/16/2024: Building a Legacy: The Dumas Family's Impact on Community and Entrepreneurship

eaglezine Feb 16, 2024


65th EAGLE SUMMIT: SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, 2024

  • BUILDING A LEGACY Imani & Sed's Podcast Changing Lives
  • PERSPECTIVE Jae Chen is an Influencer of the Best Kind
  • REFLECTION 5 Questions for Leaders a Month Into 2024
  • MASTERMIND Join us Mar 13 at Undivided Experience Center
  • Thought from Tom
  • Editor's Corner

Building a Legacy: The Dumas Family's Impact on Community and Entrepreneurship

Join beloved Eagle, Imani Robinson, and her co-host Sed on 'Love in Action' as they dive into the inspiring journey of the Dumas family, a powerful force in the St. Louis area.

This episode offers a heartwarming look at how the Dumas family utilizes their unique skills and passions to create a lasting legacy in their community. From running a bilingual childcare center with a focus on nurturing and education to providing essential services like housing and adult daycare, their story is a testament to the power of combining entrepreneurship with a deep commitment to community service.

Get ready to be moved by their dedication to multi-generational care, learn about their approach to real estate with a purpose, and discover the heart behind their successful empire.

This episode is not just about success in business; it's about success in life, family, and community. Tune in to witness a true embodiment of love in action.

Be sure to subscribe - it helps the podcast grow!


Embark on a transformative 30-day journey to Love & Happiness with Imani Robinson! If you're ready to unlock the possibilities and deserve to experience greater joy in your life, this exclusive program is for you.

Throughout this journey, you'll receive guidance, support, and actionable steps to enhance your well-being, foster love in your relationships, and rediscover happiness within. This is your opportunity to invest in your personal growth and embrace the love and happiness that you truly deserve.

It starts on LEAP DAY!
February 29th 6pm -7pmCST
Contact IMANI at [email protected] to enroll.

Eagle of the Week

Jae Chung - A Master of Persepctive

Managing Partner, Bespoke Compass

This week, the Eagle spotlight shines on Jae Chung, a distinguished individual whose life and career are a testament to the power of perspective. Jae’s unique journey from immigrating to the United States at the age of 11 from South Korea, to becoming a senior leader influencing many, underscores his remarkable ability to navigate and harmonize diverse viewpoints. His story is not just inspiring; it's a blueprint for understanding and leveraging the myriad perspectives that shape our world.

A Life Shaped by Empathy and Understanding

Jae’s experiences as a "1.5 generation Korean-American" have instilled in him a deep understanding of the complexities of identity and the richness that different perspectives bring to our collective table. This understanding has been the bedrock of his journey through various academic disciplines, from molecular cell biology to theology and intellectual history, each step further broadening his horizon and deepening his insights into the human condition.

Bridging Divides with Bespoke Compass

As the Managing Partner at Bespoke Compass, Jae Chung excels in helping leaders integrate the different aspects of their lives into a cohesive narrative. His work is a reflection of his belief in the possibility of finding harmony among seemingly conflicting elements, a belief borne out of years of mediating conflicts and guiding individuals towards recognizing their shared humanity.

Join Us at the Mastermind

We are honored to have Jae Chung as our featured speaker at the upcoming Mastermind event in Chesterfield on March 13. This is an extraordinary opportunity to gain insights from a person who has made it his mission to explore and teach the virtues of perspective, empathy, and the nuanced gray areas of leadership. Jae's approach to understanding the world and the people in it promises to be an enlightening experience for all attendees.

A Presence That Transforms

Those who have had the privilege of working with Jae or being in his presence attest to his transformative impact. Whether it’s through his leadership at the global church, his entrepreneurial venture with the social impact brand VÄ«dl, or his cherished role within his family in St. Louis, Jae embodies the principle that every life is precious, and every story deserves to be heard and understood.

Join us at the Mastermind in Chesterfield on March 13 to experience firsthand the wisdom and insights Jae Chung has to offer. It’s an invitation to view your world through a broader lens and discover the unity that lies beneath our diversity.

Living Fully: Mindfully, Healthfully, Meaningfully

Our March Mastermind session promises to be an extremely fulfilling session, and you're invited to be a part of it. Join us on March 13th at the new location, The Undivided Experience Center. You'll be moved by our incredible speaker, Jae Chung.

Date: Mar 13, 2024
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Where: The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO


Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at [email protected]. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372.

Introducing Our New AI Resources Section: Featuring Insights from Sandy Waggett’s Mastermind Session

The recent Mastermind session on February 14th, led by Sandy Waggett, marked a significant milestone in our journey towards embracing the future of technology. With an engaging discussion on artificial intelligence and its profound impact across various industries, it became clear that AI is not just a buzzword—it's a transformative force reshaping the way we live and work. The session, attended by 25 enthusiastic members, including new faces and many familiar ones, sparked a curiosity and eagerness to learn more about AI and its applications.

In response to the growing interest and to further our understanding of AI, we're thrilled to announce a new section in the Eaglezine dedicated to AI resources. This section aims to provide you with curated insights, tools, and platforms that can help you leverage AI in your personal and professional endeavors. To kickstart this feature, we're highlighting two AI resources shared by Sandy Waggett at the Mastermind session: Eleven Labs and HeyGen.

Eleven Labs: Revolutionizing Voice Generation

Eleven Labs is at the forefront of voice generation technology, offering groundbreaking solutions that bring text to life with unprecedented realism. Whether you're looking to create engaging content, narrate stories, or develop interactive educational materials, Eleven Labs provides a suite of tools to produce natural-sounding voiceovers from written text. This platform opens up new possibilities for creators, educators, and marketers seeking to enhance their projects with high-quality voice synthesis.

HeyGen: Personalizing the AI Experience

HeyGen represents the cutting edge of personalized AI, offering a platform that adapts to your specific needs and preferences. From generating personalized content to assisting with data analysis, HeyGen is designed to be your AI companion in navigating the complexities of today's digital landscape. Its user-friendly interface and customizable features make it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to incorporate AI into their daily routines or business strategies.

A Future Empowered by AI

As we venture further into the era of artificial intelligence, it's essential to stay informed and explore the tools that can help us adapt and thrive. The AI Resources section in the Eaglezine is just the beginning of our journey into understanding and utilizing AI. We encourage you to explore Eleven Labs and HeyGen, and share your experiences and discoveries with the community.

Do you have an AI resource, insight, or story to share? We'd love to hear from you! This section is not only about providing information but also about fostering a community of learners and innovators passionate about AI. Together, we can demystify AI and harness its potential for growth, creativity, and impact.

Stay tuned for more AI resources in future editions of the Eaglezine. Together, let's embrace the AI revolution and explore the endless possibilities it holds for our community and beyond.

Note from the Editor:

Dear Eagle Community,
As we continue to evolve and grow together, embracing change becomes a testament to our collective commitment to providing the best possible environment for our members. With this spirit of progress and adaptation, I have an important update regarding our beloved Mastermind meetings that I'm excited to share with all of you.

A New Date and Venue for Our Mastermind Meetings

Starting this month, we will be shifting our recurring Mastermind date from the third Wednesday of each month to the second Wednesday. Additionally, we will be transitioning our meeting location from the familiar confines of Jane Vancil's conference room to the expansive and inspiring Undivided Experience Center. This change marks a new chapter in our journey, offering us a larger space to accommodate our growing family and the myriad of inspiring ideas that light up our gatherings.

Expressing Our Gratitude

This transition would not be possible without the generosity and support of individuals who have been pillars of our community. Jane Vancil has been an incredible host, offering her space for our meetings over the past few years. Her generosity has played a crucial role in fostering the intimate and productive environment that our Mastermind meetings have become known for. Jane, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your unwavering support and for continuing to be such an integral and inspiring part of our journey.

We are also immensely grateful to Gary Baker, owner of the Undivided Experience Center and the gracious host of the 65th Eagle Summit. Gary's kindness in lending us this new, larger space opens up exciting possibilities for our gatherings, allowing us to welcome more members into our discussions and to dream bigger than ever before.

Supporting Growth and Collaboration

This move is also designed to deconflict with the recurring meetings of Experts 4 Entrepreneurs, led by our very own Steve Denny. Many of our Eagles have expressed a desire to engage with both groups, and this change facilitates just that. It is a step towards enabling both our communities to grow, thrive, and support one another in our shared mission to inspire and empower.

Looking Ahead

As we embrace this change, I am filled with anticipation for the new opportunities it brings. The Undivided Experience Center is not just a new venue; it's a symbol of our community's potential to expand and welcome more diverse perspectives into our fold. Let's step into this new chapter with open hearts and minds, ready to make the most of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you for your understanding, your flexibility, and your continued commitment to our community. Here's to many more inspiring Mastermind meetings in our new home! See you March 13!

Warmest regards,

Let's GROW This!

Sandy Wardenburg Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs
[email protected]

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