Eaglezine 12/29/2023: Redefining Resolutions: Small Steps, Big Impact

eaglezine Dec 29, 2023

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and welcome the new opportunities 2024 brings, consider a fresh take on New Year's resolutions. This year, let's shift our focus from the usual lofty goals that often fade away and adopt a more practical, rewarding approach to truly make this a year of positive transformation.

Redefining Resolutions: Small Steps, Big Impact

Gone are the days of vague and overwhelming resolutions that lose steam. Think 'micro-resolutions' – small, manageable, and precise goals that are easy to stick with and bring immediate satisfaction. Swap "get fit" for "a 10-minute walk each day" or transform "learn something new" into "dedicate 15 minutes daily to practicing a new language". These small steps are not just achievable; they're a pathway to lasting change.

Monthly Focus: A Journey Through the Year

Picture your 2024 as a book with twelve unique chapters, each focusing on a different area of your life. January might be your month to cultivate healthier habits, while February could be dedicated to honing a new skill or hobby. This approach keeps your motivation renewed and your personal growth dynamic.

Targeted Learning: The Adventure of Skill Acquisition

This year, let's be specific about what we want to learn. Pick a skill each month – be it perfecting a complex recipe, diving into AI technologies, or exploring a new artistic technique. Regularly dedicating time to learn something specific not only broadens your skillset but also bolsters confidence.

The Cumulative Power of Micro-Actions

The true innovation in this method lies in the aggregate impact of these small but significant actions. Each minor victory sets the stage for larger successes, turning your entire year into a beautiful mosaic of accomplishments!

Your Action Plan for January 2024:

As we step into 2024, let's focus on steady, incremental changes that accumulate into remarkable growth. Here's to making this year one of achievable goals, constant learning, and, most importantly, resolutions that last.

Eagle of the Week

Father Time : Steward of Human's Most Precious Gift

For this Eagle of the Week, we turn to a symbolic figure, Father Time, to remind us of a profound truth as we enter 2024: every moment is a precious gift from God.

Father Time: A Symbol for Reflection

Father Time, often depicted as an elderly figure with a clock or hourglass, isn't just a reminder of the relentless passage of time. He symbolizes the wisdom of using the time God has given us wisely and purposefully.

Cherishing God’s Gift

We understand that time is a gift entrusted to us by God. It's an opportunity to grow in faith, to love others, to serve, and to make a difference in the world. Father Time encourages us to reflect on how we are stewarding this gift.

Living with Purpose

This year, may Father Time inspire us to live each day with purpose. Are we using our time to deepen our relationship with God? Are we dedicating enough of it to family, community, and serving others? These are the questions that Father Time brings to the forefront of our minds.

A New Year of Opportunities

2024 is not just another year; it's a new set of opportunities God has given us to make an impact. Let's approach each day with intention, seeking to do God’s will and spreading His love in all our actions.

A Call to Action

This metaphor of Father Time is a call to action for all of us. It's a reminder to evaluate our priorities, to invest our time in what’s eternal, and to live in a way that honors the precious life God has given us.

As we recognize the symbolism of Father Time, let's step into 2024 with a renewed commitment to use our time in ways that honor God and reflect His love. Here’s to a year filled with purpose, growth, and meaningful moments!

ALL IN : How Great Leaders Build Unstoppable Teams

by Mike Michalowicz
It’s never been harder building successful teams. With challenges of work-from-anywhere, flex-schedule and generational divides, business leaders bend over backwards searching for solutions that work. They’ve tried everything from food perks and ping pong tables to endless team-building exercises and training—but nothing sticks.

Now, in his long-awaited book for leaders at all levels, bestselling author Mike Michalowicz reveals his proven formula to build an unstoppable team for any work environment:

All In shows readers how to:

  • Recruit the right talent
  • Transform struggling employees into superstars
  • Match individual abilities to client and company needs
  • Elevate your company to where every employee cares as much as an owner

You want a thriving workforce that shines and sticks around. One that takes full responsibility for their work and outcomes. A community of employees who love your organization and are invested in its growth. With All In you will discover how to build a team where everyone flourishes–including you.



Want to be included? Please send links to your books (and other work) to Sandy Waggett for inclusion on the website. Sandy can be reached at [email protected]. If you have questions, please call her direct at 573-480-4372.


Sandy Waggett presented an hour long webinar on Using AI in Business on Dec 20 in lieu of our December in-person mastermind. The link to the reply is below!

We're in the process of setting the date and recurring day/week for our monthly masterminds in 2024! Watch the next Eaglezine for the schedule so you can get them on your calendar!


Note from the Editor:

Dear Eagle Community,

Happy New Year! As we begin 2024, I'm filled with optimism and enthusiasm for what we have in store. Reflecting on the fantastic journey we shared last year, I'm excited to bring even more value and connection to our community this year.

A Year of Engaging Opportunities

We're looking forward to offering you more of what makes our community great – meaningful gatherings, insightful speakers, and valuable resources. It's all about enhancing our professional and personal lives.

Inspiring Speakers on the Horizon

I can't wait to introduce you to even more speakers! We’ve chosen individuals who are not only leaders in their fields but also genuinely engaging and relatable. Their stories and insights are sure to inspire and motivate us all through the year.

Resources Tailored for You

This year, we're also expanding our resource offerings. Expect practical advice, helpful tips, and a range of tools designed to support your growth and success in every aspect of life.

The Eagle Summit: Building on Success

And of course, there's the Eagle Summit. After last year's remarkable event, we're committed to making this year's summit even more memorable. Get ready for an event filled with learning, networking, and unforgettable experiences.

Looking Forward Together

As an Eagle Community leader, I'm dedicated to making 2024 a year filled with relevant, engaging, and enjoyable content. Michael Graham and Jane Vancil were invaluable through 2023 and we're looking to add to our team! If you're interested in working with us on planning the next Summit and the monthly masterminds, please reach out to me! Your continuous support and participation are what make our community extraordinary. Let's make this year one of growth, learning, and shared success.

Here's to a wonderful 2024 – let's make it a year to remember!


Sandy Wardenburg Waggett
T.H.E. Impact Network
MSW Interactive Designs
[email protected]

Sandy Waggett, Partner
Editor, The Eaglezine
Certified High-Performance Coach
Maxwell Leadership Coach
Owner of MSW Interactive Designs
Digital Marketing Agency

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