Eaglezine 8/30/2024: Meet the Summit Speakers - Part 2

eaglezine Aug 30, 2024

Meet MORE of 65th Eagle Summit Speakers

In the next several issues, we'll be featuring our speaker line up for this year's Summit. Make sure you get registered. Discount room block ends soon!

Fred E. Miller
Author & Speaker, No Sweat Public Speaking
TOPIC: How to Develop, Practice, and Deliver an Outstanding Elevator Speech with Confidence

You may thing you have it down, but you'll learn a thing or two here!
Fred Miller is an internationally recognized speaker and presentation coach, known for his books "NO SWEAT Public Speaking!" and "NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!" His expertise helps professionals master the art of concise and captivating self-introductions, ensuring every first impression counts.

TJ Sweet
Motivational Speaker & Mindset Coach
TOPIC: The Transformational Power of Grateful Leadership: Cultivating a Culture of Purpose and Improved Work Ethic

TJ Sweet is a renowned motivational speaker and mindset coach dedicated to helping individuals and teams break through self-imposed barriers and achieve greater success. With a focus on personal growth, leadership, and resilience, TJ's sessions inspire and equip audiences to create lasting change in their lives, careers, and relationships through the power of gratitude and purpose-driven leadership.

Shelley Kenow
Special Education Consultant & Best-Selling Author
TOPIC: #NoLimits: Shattering Limiting Beliefs

Shelley Kenow is a Special Education Consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field. As a licensed Special Education Teacher and Master IEP Coach®, Shelley is passionate about empowering individuals to overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors. Her presentation will equip you with tools to break down barriers and foster an inclusive, positive environment both in personal and professional settings.

Scott Rupp
Former Missouri State Senator & Executive Mindset Coach
TOPIC: His Name Was John: The Power of Advocacy and One Voice to Change the World

Scott Rupp is a renowned professional speaker, advocate, and mindset coach who brings a wealth of experience from his time in public service. With a deep understanding of leadership and advocacy, Scott’s presentation will inspire you to recognize the power of a single voice in driving change and making a significant impact in both personal and professional spheres.

Ready to rock? These four speakers are just the start! We have 16 more incredible people taking the stage at this year's Summit!

Click Here

Early bird registration is your chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate of $599 per person.

Early Bird Registration Includes:

  • VIP Welcome Reception on Sept 26 @ 5 PM
  • All Educational Presentations & Workshops on Sept 27-28
  • Keynote Session and Closing Dinner on Sept 28
  • Eagle Summit VIP Event Gift Bag
  • Hot Breakfast on Sept 27-28 and Lunch on Sept 27
  • Group Dinner Reservations on Sept 27 and Excursions on Sept 28
  • Session Program & Workbook
  • A pay over time option is also available on the website this year when you check out!
  • The room block link is on the website for TownePlace Suites. $137 for a King Suite and $157 Two Queens. That link expires August 15.

Together, we will touch one million lives... one person at a time!

Details are available at www.TomHillEagleNetwork.com


Sandy Waggett, Partner
Editor, The Eaglezine
Certified High-Performance Coach
Maxwell Leadership Coach
Owner of MSW Interactive Designs
Digital Marketing Agency

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