Eaglezine 8/25/2023: The Speakers Will Blow Your Mind!

eaglezine Aug 25, 2023

The Speakers Will Blow Your Mind! 

Join us at the 64th Eagle Summit – Ingiting Health, Wealth, & Impact!


Beyond the unbeatable value and personal invitation from Dr. Hill, here are 15 REASONS YOU SIMPLY CAN'T MISS the 64th EAGLE SUMMIT! 

Imagine a gathering where visionaries, innovators, and trailblazers from around the globe come together to inspire, connect, and transform. A place where ideas become action, and dreams are fueled by a shared passion for success, innovation, and impact. Welcome to the 64th Eagle Summit – a catalyst for change that promises to be more than just an event; it's an unprecedented opportunity to unlock your potential and redefine your path.

From the thrills of blockchain technology to the soul-stirring art of authentic storytelling, from financial wisdom to healing through laughter, the Eagle Summit promises a journey unlike any other. It's not merely a summit; it's a transformational experience curated to unleash the leader, the innovator, and the visionary within YOU!

Here are the top 15 compelling reasons to attend this extraordinary gathering that promises to IGNITE Health, Wealth, and Impact like never before:

  1. Financial Wisdom with Philanthropy: Understand the magnetism of money and how it amplifies your true self with insights into philanthropy as the key to abundance.
  2. Redefining Retirement with Alan Spector: Learn 10 Key Elements of a Fulfilling Retirement and equip yourself with tools to plan an enriching retirement journey.
  3. Connecting Generations with Jenn Whitmer: Master intergenerational communication and create a culture that freely shares ideas, paving the way for powerful work.
  4. Demystifying Blockchain with Natalie Brunell and Blockchain Becky: Unlock the future of finance, understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology, and learn about opportunities and risks in the rise of decentralized finance.
  5. Shaping the Future with Chris Hare: Unveil the profound ability of personal narrative to catapult a leader and company to new heights or explore its potential pitfalls.
  6. Igniting Connection with Matt Shoup: Experience the "Painted Baby" and learn tangible tools to embrace vulnerability, build trust, and create bonds in our technology-driven world.
  7. Exploring Health Practices with Dr. Maureen Hughes: Discover the Intersection of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Modern Health Practices for harmony and healing.
  8. Championing Social Causes: Engage in crucial conversations about domestic violence and human trafficking with Sheree Keely, and grasp the economic impact of GLASS with Derrick Standley.
  9. Leadership & Technology Exploration: Dive into sessions like CEO2CEO and Artificial Intelligence Unleashed, offered by renowned leaders like Steve Denny, Terry Lammers, and Sandy Waggett.
  10. Unique Culinary Experiences by Tornatore's Catering: Relish delicious food that caters to special dietary needs, offering a delightful culinary journey throughout the event.
  11. Holistic Wellness: Engage with Dr. Eddie Weller's session on gratitude and living according to your "Why", and embark on Brett Blair's journey of caring and healing through his wife's ALS battle.
  12. Exclusive Business Insights: With sessions like "Get a Grip on Your Business with EOS" by Bruce Sheridan, you can learn to solve root problems, lead effectively, and gain traction in your business.
  13. Inspirational Life Stories: Embrace Core Authenticity with Jeff Koziatek, and possibly enjoy some juggling, or get inspired by personal stories of care, love, and healing.
  14. Transformative Experience: Prepare to leave the event transformed, invigorated, and equipped with actionable insights that you can immediately apply to both your personal life and business.
  15. Community and Networking: Join a community of visionaries, innovators, and leaders. Connect, collaborate, and expand your network with like-minded individuals looking to make a bold step toward their desired future.

With an eclectic mix of visionary speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities, the 64th Eagle Summit offers something for everyone, whether you're interested in personal development, entrepreneurship, social change, or exploring the future of finance and technology.

This is more than an event; it's a catalyst for change!

But the Eagle Summit is not only about inspiring speeches and groundbreaking discussions. It's about creating an enriching and rewarding experience that caters to YOU. As an attendee, you'll indulge in:

  • Exclusive Gifts and Offers: Receive a conference packet filled with over 400 AI business & marketing prompts, contacts & bios of attendees and keynotes, free copies of multiple keynote books, free chair massages on breaks, a free ADA web compliance assessment, and an exciting 45-minute marketing consultation with our conference sponsor (early birds only!).
  • Culinary Delights: Indulge in deliciously catered breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, including an unforgettable Saturday night feast with keynote Matt Shoup.
  • Exciting Excursions: Join us for a private tour on Saturday of the Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis, reserved bays at Top Golf, group dinner reservations Friday night at various top-notch restaurants, a happy hour welcome reception on Thursday, and so much more!

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO


Oct 5 (Thur)

Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers
Oct 6 (Fri)
Incredible Speaker Line-up, Gifts, Wellness, Networking, Excursions
Oct 7 (Sat)
More Learning, Gifts, Connection, Excursions, Dinner Celebration,
and INCREDIBLE Keynote with Matt Shoup, Author, International Speaker, Jiu-Jitsu Instructor! 

Chesterfield, MO

20 Rooms Reserved (only 12 left) @ $134/Night
Last day to book at discount is Sept 5!


Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one!


Chris LaRoca

Owner, Crushed Red

Culinary Innovator, Survivor, Thriver

From St. Louis to the world stage, Chris LaRoca's journey in the restaurant business is a compelling tale of innovation, tragedy, resilience, and triumph. A St. Louis native, Chris worked in the restaurant industry his entire life. For 13 years early in his career, he worked for a large company with 22 restaurants. In 1993, he decided to open his own restaurant concept - Crazy Fish - in Clayton. Known for his innovative ability, he continued to develop more concepts through the years, including Wrap Rage Eatery.

In 1994, Chris was approached by Bruegger's Bagels to convert, underperforming restaurants. This led to the creation of the Tomatillo Mexican Grill concept with multiple locations! The push was on for more, but Chris’ passion and focus was truly on Crazy Fish, leading to the sale of Tomatillo. With freed focus, he was able to partner with actor John Goodman for a second Crazy Fish location in Chesterfield. Ultimately, a bad real estate deal with the West County Mall in 2002 over the third Crazy Fish location led to bankruptcy and the closure of all locations.

Tony Roma’s owners approached Chris to quietly re-invigorate their dated concept in 2004. While he worked to ideate a new fast-casual concept, he was also the director of franchise operations for Roma’s taking across Canada, South America, the Eastern seaboard of the USA, Hawaii, Aruba, Trinidad, and more! Through all the traveling he spent tons of time researching, and the first Tony Roma’s Fast and Casual was opened in Wellington, FL – the first of its kind!  Shortly after the opening, the company was sold. The new owners didn’t love the idea of adding a new concept when original Tony Roma’s brand needed so much help, Chris opted to move on to other opportunities.

Tragedy struck Chris during his time with Tony Roma's when he found out his son was killed in a car wreck. His perspective instantly shifted. Going from losing a business, to declaring bankruptcy, to losing his son all in a period of six short months, he was determined to survive and hold his family together.

Rebounding from personal and professional setbacks, Chris embarked on a new adventure, founding Culinary Architects, a service for hotels, casinos, and developers looking to enter the restaurant business and flatten their learning curve. Culinary Architects still exists today!

In 2011, Chris got a call from his IP attorney requesting to help his son get into the restaurant business. After multiple new concept deals that fell through, he introduced the Chopped Fast Casual Pizza concept. This was the birth of Crushed Red!

Now with six locations, Crushed Red has been praised as "the next Panera," and Chris's innovation didn't stop there. He navigated the challenges of COVID, finding new ways to expand, including offering to-go salads in 38 Schnucks stores.

A survivor and thriver, Chris’ team knows his LaRoca-isms well:

  • "If we don’t know how, we’ll figure it out!"
  • "When you agree on a deadline with me look at your watch, not a calendar. "
  • Emails from me arrive between 3:00AM and 4:00AM

Known for his thrill-seeking spirit, Chris and his daughter recently jumped off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas and he has set his sights on flying a fighter jet next.

Chris met Dr. Tom Hill by chance at his Overland Park location of Crushed Red. He described it as a warm meeting with a kind and interesting man – when he suddenly looked down to a stack of books in his hands! They became fast friends, so you know what came next – Tom challenged Chris to write a book. His daughter agreed, so that’s now on the docket!

Chris will be joining us at the 64th Eagle Summit symbolizing his commitment to going all in. His journey from Crazy Fish to Crushed Red, through personal tragedy and professional triumph, exemplifies the creativity, tenacity, and enduring spirit that make Chris LaRoca our "Eagle of the Week." His passion for business, concepts, restaurants, and helping people continues to inspire. His tale is not only a testament to culinary success but a lesson in life itself.

The Christ-Centered Company: 37 Biblical Business Habits to Build a Thriving Company That Honors God and Blesses the World

The Christ-Centered Company provides practical biblical commentary and real-world best practices for 37 biblical business “habits” that define the culture and operations of a Christ-centered company. In this book, we’ll explore what the Bible says about each of the following major aspects of the company you influence:

  • Corporate Purpose and Culture
  • Marketing, Sales, and Customer Care
  • Accounting and Accountability
  • People Management
  • Business Law and Conflict
  • Risk Management
  • Philanthropy

Imagine how much your company’s habits, culture, performance, and impact would upgrade if you were to discover and apply God’s will for every aspect of your company. This is a growth process that begins when one influencer in a company decides to partner with God in his mission to conform the company to his will.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.


Nancy Erickson, The Book Professor
Dr. Hill challenges everyone to write a book, and Nancy is the master of the process!

All are welcome! 

Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!

Laughter in the Face of Failure: Embrace, Learn, and Conquer with a Smile

Get ready to embrace a hilarious truth: failures are like the secret sauce to success!  Our keynote speaker, Matt Shoup, is about to unveil the most intriguing recipe to turning blunders into triumphs at the Eagle Summit. He's not just going to talk about failures; he's going to show us how they can be transformed into a powerful force of authenticity that not only sells but also keeps you laughing all the way to the bank! So, buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of failures-turned-fantastic as Matt takes the stage to share the art of leveraging missteps into your greatest asset. Get ready to laugh, learn, and leap ahead! 

  • "Remember, failure is just life's way of telling you, 'Oops, that's not the right way to success!'"
  • "Failures are like sketches on the canvas of life – they add depth and character to your masterpiece."
  • "If life gave us only successes, we'd miss out on the valuable comedy show of failed attempts."
  • "Failures are like road signs on the highway to success – sometimes they lead us to the scenic route!"
  • "Embracing failures is like learning to dance in the rain – it's when life's rhythm becomes truly vibrant."
  • "Failing gracefully is an art, and when you master it, you're just one step away from triumph!"
  • "Laugh at your failures, because the universe has a fantastic sense of humor, and your missteps are its best punchlines!"

Join us at the Eagle Summit and unlock the ultimate secret to success with keynote speaker Matt Shoup. Discover how embracing your failures can lead to a powerful surge of authenticity that not only sells but also keeps you laughing on the journey to triumph. Don't miss out on this transformative session and many more exceptional insights at the summit. Register now and secure your spot for an unforgettable experience that will ignite your success journey. Your future self will thank you!



Let me just be real for a minute. COVID killed our beloved annual Summit. Houston was amazing several years ago, but then the world came to an abrupt halt and a lot of things changed. 

Tom will be 89 at this year's Summit. (Where the heck has the time gone?) Tom asked for my help to light a fire under this event and re-ignite the energy, the powerful learning, the growth, and the connection!  As Tom prepares to celebrate his 89th year on this Earth, it's time to resurrect the magic, the power, and the profound growth that the Eagle Summit embodies.

This Summit has become my MISSION and MY FOCUS - to bring you a world class event, one that won't be forgotten! We're in St. Louis again for Tom, but your experience here this year will be as memorable and enjoyable as they come.

Tom's vision, his wisdom, his dedication to growth - it's all here, waiting for you. St. Louis beckons, and the experience you'll have this year will resonate deep within you. This isn't just an event; it's a declaration of intent, a commitment to yourself and your journey.

REGISTER - you will not regret it. I personally guarantee that this Summit will leave you hungry for more, for greater, and for the extraordinary.

Catch you at the Summit!

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center!

REGISTRATION: https://www.tomhilleaglenetwork.com/?cid=4520094f-10d3-4a26-a61c-58c0c9407be4

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit!

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