Eaglezine 8/18/2023: Unlock the Next Level of Success

eaglezine Aug 18, 2023

Unlock the Next Level of Success: Join us at the 64th Eagle Summit – Transform, Connect, Lead!



Get ready for a transformational adventure that's soaring to new heights! The 64th Eagle Summit is fast approaching, and we're buzzing with excitement to unveil a program that's designed to unleash your potential, foster incredible connections, and ignite your passion for positive change.

Why Soar with Us NOW? 

The early bird offer, open until September 1st, is an exclusive ticket to inspiration, learning, and unforgettable experiences—all at a special rate! With only 100 coveted seats, this is an opportunity you don't want to let slip through your fingers.

What's Unfolding at the Summit? 

Inspirational Voices: Hear from thought leaders like Jen Whitmer, who will guide you in "Syncing Up the Generational Mixtape." Explore how smoothing intergenerational communication can boost trust, productivity, and save thousands per employee.

Engagement and Networking: Connect with likeminded leaders and innovative minds. Build relationships that will enhance your personal and professional journey.

Impactful Learning: From AI-driven business strategies to the frontline battle against domestic violence, the summit offers a diverse tapestry of insights and actionable wisdom.

Exclusive Experiences: Rejuvenate, explore, and create memories that will enrich your life and invigorate your spirit.

Empowerment for Change: Join a community committed to making a difference. Be a part of the ripple effect that shapes a better tomorrow.

Sync with Jen Whitmer's Keynote Preview 

Want a taste of the magic that awaits? Tune in to Jen Whitmer's keynote on bridging generational gaps. Discover how effective communication can enhance team trust, reduce turnover by 40%, increase productivity by 20%, and save your organization nearly $4,000 per year per employee. That's just the beginning!

Join the Journey – Reserve Your Spot Today!

The future is a melody waiting to be composed, and we've got the instruments. Are you ready to play your part? Mark your calendar and click here to register. Together, we'll ROCK the 64th Eagle Summit, creating harmony, growth, and a legacy of success. 

The Undivided Experience Center
Chesterfield, MO 


Oct 5 (Thur)

Evening Welcome Reception
Connection and Networking with Dear Friends and Speakers
Oct 6 (Fri)
Incredible Speaker Line-up, Gifts, Wellness, Networking, Excursions
Oct 7 (Sat)
More Learning, Gifts, Connection, Excursions, Dinner Celebration, and INCREDIBLE Keynote with Matt Shoup, Author, International Speaker, Jiu-Jitsu Instructor!

Chesterfield, MO
20 Rooms Reserved @ $134/Night
Last day to book at discount is Sept 5!


Contact Sandy@MSWInteractiveDesigns.com to grab one!

EAGLE OF THE WEEK (and Eagle Summit Speaker!)

Jen Whitmer, Consone Consulting

  • M.A. Culture and Communication
  • Master's Certification Theology and Leadership
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking I & II
  • Certified Enneagram Coach
  • High-Performing Coach, Mastery Level

Meet One of Our Keynote Speakers: Jen Whitmer and the Art of "Syncing Up the Generational Mixtape" 

In today's rapidly evolving workplace, navigating the dynamics of five generations working together can be a complex dance. Miscommunication can inhibit creativity, decrease efficiency, and lead to a troubling rise in employee turnover. Enter Jen Whitmer, our esteemed keynote speaker at the upcoming 64th Eagle Summit, who is here to turn those struggles into strengths and provide high-impact training that resonates with leaders at all levels.

Smoothing the Friction of Intergenerational Communication 

Jen's workshop, titled "Syncing Up the Generational Mixtape," is a breath of fresh air designed to inspire, connect, and energize weary leaders in the aftermath of Covid closures and fast-paced work changes. In this highly interactive and engaging 60 to 90-minute session, Jen will unveil the power of CLEAN communication. Attendees will learn how to break down intergenerational barriers and transform miscommunication into opportunities for growth. From understanding each generation's communication style to implementing best practices, Jen's approach promises a transformation towards a more connected, effective, and efficient work environment—all infused with a side of laughter.

Why This Session is Worth Your Time 

Are you ready to lead your organization through the friction of intergenerational collaboration? Eager to create a culture that freely shares ideas and establishes shared meaning? Don't miss this chance to learn from Jen's research-backed insights and skill-building techniques. By attending this session, you'll gain the tools to foster community, develop leaders, and create a collaborative work environment that values the strengths of every team member. Together, let's lay the foundation this October at the Eagle Summit and continue to cultivate success for years to come. Your journey towards a harmonious workplace begins here!

Oh, did we mention she's a TedX Speaker?
Check out her TedX talk here!


Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce

Gentelligence shares groundbreaking evidence that will have readers thinking about their generationally diverse workforce in an entirely different way. Readers will discover:

  • Where generational conflict originates, and how it results in both dangerous ageism and reverse ageism in today’s workplaces.
  • Why the generation gap stems from a misunderstanding of shared core values across all generations.
  • How to find essential common ground with colleagues, both older and younger, and recognize the unique needs that come with different generational identities.
  • How generational shaming leads us to view those from other generations as competitors rather than collaborators, further damaging employee engagement, team dynamics, innovation, and organizational culture.
  • How leveraging the unique strengths of each generation at work can lead to a win-win outcome for all.
  • How traditional views on leadership have been turned upside down as a result of new generational dynamics, with many employees currently being led by managers that are younger than themselves, and older leaders struggling to make sense of changing norms around authority and power.

Gentelligence reveals the opportunities within an intergenerational workforce and provides actionable tools to help leaders build Gentelligent organizations. Unlike other books on generational leadership, this book rejects common stereotypes assigned to different generations, replacing them with a deep understanding of why those who grew up in different times may behave in unique and valuable, ways. We challenge leaders to go beyond simply accepting generational differences to leverage them proactively to increase engagement, innovation, and organizational success.


The next monthly mastermind is Wednesday SEPTEMBER 20, 9:30-11:00 at Jane Vancil's conference room located at: 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr. in Chesterfield.

All are welcome! 
Bring an associate and introduce them to our network change makers!

You don't want to miss it!

Bridging the Gap with a Smile: 7 Quips on Intergenerational Communication

Ah, the generational divide—it's a tale as old as time! From Rotary phones to emojis, every generation has its own way of communicating. As we work to understand and bridge the gaps between generations, let's not forget to laugh at our unique quirks and differences. Here are 7 fun quips to remind us that while the methods may change, the need for connection remains the same. Enjoy!

  • "Why did the Millennial refuse to write a letter? Because paper doesn't come with autocorrect!"
  • "You know you're a Baby Boomer when you still call it 'pounding the pavement,' not 'scrolling the feed.'"
  • "The Generation Z definition of 'face-to-face communication' – a video call with at least one emoji involved."
  • "I asked my Gen X colleague for his cell number, and he handed me a piece of paper with digits on it. So retro!"
  • "Millennials invented texting because phone calls are so 20th century. Gen Z perfected it because phone calls are so Millennial."
  • "My Silent Generation grandpa said, 'In my day, we didn't need hashtags to trend.' I told him, 'In my day, we don't need rotary phones to call!'"
  • "Gen X to Millennial: 'I remember when being social meant talking to people in person.' Millennial to Gen X: 'I remember when talking in person meant looking up from our screens.'"

Whether it's Boomers reminiscing about the good old days or Gen Zers schooling us on the latest digital trends, every generation has its communication style. These light-hearted quips highlight the humor in our differences, reminding us that embracing our unique qualities can bring us closer together. In the end, communication is about connecting, understanding, and, sometimes, laughing at our own quirks. Let's keep the conversation going, no matter what generation we're from!


Early-Bird Registration Ends September 1st: A Personal Invitation to the 64th Eagle Summit

Time is ticking, and the 64th Eagle Summit is just around the corner! Don't miss your chance to save on registration—act fast and secure your spot before September 1st. Whether you're a long-time attendee or new to the experience, I personally can't wait to welcome you. Tom shares my excitement, and together with our dedicated team, we're crafting an event that promises to leave you saying, "WOW - that was incredible!"

Considering a stay in town? We've arranged a special deal for you at TowneCenter Suites by Marriott, just a stone's throw from our venue. Enjoy a luxurious King Mini-Suite for only $132 a night. Hurry though, with only 14 left, they'll vanish before you know it!

Mark your calendar, join the countdown, and prepare for an unforgettable journey. The 64th Eagle Summit isn't just a conference; it's a celebration of growth, connection, and inspiration. Together, we'll make it a blast, and I can't wait to share this adventure with you. See you there!

Catch you at the Summit!

Eagle Summit 2023
October 5-6-7 in Chesterfield, MO
LOCATION: The Undivided Experience Center!

REGISTRATION: https://www.tomhilleaglenetwork.com/?cid=552753a1-a8ae-4c6f-8998-9d06ab887713

PS: Do you have photos FROM PAST EAGLE SUMMITS? We're building a slideshow of highlights. Email or text them to me with your full name, business (if applicable), and year of the summit! 

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